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linux-tools package doesn't match kernel version on NanoPi NEO3


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I have a NanoPi NEO3, which is not currently supported by Armbian (WIP). I installed Armbian focal version 20.08.1 and seems to work, but I'm running into a packaging problem. I need the usbipd service, and that requires an extra package:

WARNING: usbip not found for kernel 5.8.6

  You may need to install the following packages for this specific kernel:


The latest version of linux-tools that's available in the repositories is linux-tools-5.4.0-48, which does not match the installed kernel. Presumably there is a way to get the right version, but that would mean building it for the current kernel, which I don't know how to do. Could anyone knowledgeable help me out with this, or point me to a guide? Thanks!

Edited by Rua
Include specific Armbian version
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