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Rock64 and USB RTL8188eu wifi: not working.

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I'm trying to get a Rock64 board working with a wifi USB dongle, sold as RTL8188 and which is in fact a 8188eu. I use the latest armbian-buster as downloaded a few days ago. The dongle appears in dmesg when plugged in, but no module is loaded. I can manually load the 8188eu module and get no errors, but no wifi interface appears. Ifconfig, iwconfig and nmtui don't see anything they could use for wlan. I have installed the firmware-realtek package as well, it made no difference. I can get the module 8188eu autoloaded at boot, but that doesn't change the non-availability of a wlan interface.


Any help appreciated. I have posted the armbianmonitor -u output in the required field. ( here it is again: http://ix.io/2Dee )

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