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USB Keyboard capture speed problem when using BarcodeScanner

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Hi everybody


I bought new low price barcode scanner to connect it to NanoPi M1 with Armbian Debian jessie (Desktop edition).

I have a catastrophic problem with this new scanner. Scanner is working with my laptop properly but after connecting to NanoPi I found that it remove some digits from barcode text in scanning.


I tried so many Scanner configuration but problem is go on!

I tried this scanner on Cubieboard2 with Armbian too.

I tested barcodes with another branded (higher price) scanner it have no problem. It scanned all 13 digits of goods bardcode.


Scenario of problem:

  • when no near duplicated digits apear (e.g. 1234567890123) in barcode string SCANNING IS OK
  • when duplication of digits is together (e.g. 1230000012345) SCANNING IS OK too.
  • when duplication of digits are 1 or 2 digits inside as splitter (e.g. 6260000012345 OR 6226000012345) it remove duplicated digit (digit 6 is examples) and SCANNING NOT OK


I tried to fine kbdrate but problem is go on!


Some Scanning result here:

Scanned: 6204320838
Scanned: 6204320821
Scanned: 62045900220
Scanned: 6203250313
Scanned: 2003600017
Scanned: 2003370000029
Scanned: 620374009
I think there is something like InfraRed Keyboard Service caused this problem. because it may received duplicated data from IR by reflecting from walls or etc.
Excuse me for weak english!

I made a solution :P


I programmed the scanner to role as Virtual COM (rs232 to USB)

Then I can connect /dev/ttyACM0 to capture what barcode scanned.

Now I get softwedge (https://github.com/ynezz/softwedge) and compiled it.

Softwedge is a serial keyboard emulator. It capture serial port and send it to X when ending string with LF or other terminator.

Now I have all 13 digits read by Armbian!

But still some problem to compatibility and working on it...

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