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Time zone America/Indiana changes to America/Adak

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Hi, I'm having a problem with some timezones and I couldn't find anything in the web related with it. This is in a NanoiPi M1 with ARMBIAN on it. The problem is that when I run the following commands the result is not the as expected:

echo "America/Indianapolis" > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata

and then result is:

Current default time zone: 'America/Adak'
Local time is now:      Thu Sep  8 03:08:41 HDT 2016.
Universal Time is now:  Thu Sep  8 12:08:41 UTC 2016.

but if I run:

echo "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata

the result is as expected:

Current default time zone: 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis'
Local time is now:      Thu Sep  8 08:11:19 EDT 2016.
Universal Time is now:  Thu Sep  8 12:11:19 UTC 2016.

The same problem with "America/Fort_Wayne", it changes to "America/Adak".

The only reference I found in the web is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/750837

Any idea? Thanks.

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