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I'm on Armbian 22.11.1 Jammy / 22.04.1 LTS, kernel 5.15.80-sunxi. Orange Pi Zero LTS.


I have the issue that using all available audio players, the first half a second or so of mp3s are cut off randomly.

Meaning that sometimes the beginning plays correctly, sometimes part of the beginning is cut off. Repeadetly running the player sometimes works sometimes cuts off the audio.


I have tried play, ffplay, both have this issue.

The speaker is a small amlfier module, the LINEOUTL output is connected to it, but the right is the same.


Any ideas where to look? This is driving me insane. :) Thanks!


I have attached a test mp3, which is hungarian, sorry. The output is from the Google Cloud Text to Speech python package, saved as a file:


        with open(file_name, "wb") as out:




May I ask if you have solved this?

I have the same with OrangePI Zero Armbian 22.05.3 Bullseye. I am using an 8002B audio amplifiert module with speaker. Quality is pretty good, also for voice.

Any audio output is cut off at the beginning for half a second. Then, the audio system stays on for 5 seconds or so, meaning another play during this time is fine. Then I can hear a very faint noise and after that any new playing will result again in a cut-off.

To me it looks like the audio subsystem is "turned off" after a few seconds of non-usage. When turned on again by a service with audio output, it lags half a second, therefore cutting off the beginning.

Tried different audio players, but even aplay is showing this.

Pretty unnerving...

I had one idea that maybe it is not the OrangePi or Armbian at all, but just the 8002B amplifier needing some time to power up and then auto-shutting down. Does anyone know if this could be the case?



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