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Unusable space at the top of tty and cutoff at the bottom when using armbian minimal and le potato

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I am using armbian minimal and le potato. In tty the screen has a black bar of unusable space and cuts off about 1.5 lines at the bottom. I managed to install sway and sddm with the use of clearing the terminal. In sddm the top and probably the other sides of the screen gets cut off, It cuts off like half of the text at the top. In sway it has a blue bar at the top and cuts off the bottom like it does in tty. I don't really care about fixing sddm but I want to fix sway and tty. I have looked at sway's output command and setting the pos configuration does not do anything. I have also looked into changing the boot.cmd file to remove the overscan "100" thing but that still did not change anything after compiling and rebooting. I ended up moving it to a bigger screen temporarily and the sddm but not anything else. What could I do to fix this? My monitor is 720p but I might move it to a bigger monitor and I want to be able to move to many different screen sizes and not take 30m to fix everything. In the end anything helps.

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