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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone,

I connected my board with my PC via serial USB. Then I opened a serial with minicom and tried to test it out. I can send the strings from my board to PC without any problems but when I write something on the PC it sends garbage to my board.


But, if I connect the TX, RX like:



instead of



it sends normal from the PC and garbage from the board.


I checked my baud rates but everything seems legit. I tried both 9600, 115200 bit rates, I also tried the both voltages (5V, 3.3V) What do you think could cause this problem?


I saw this thread but seems like there are no solution so far. I would really appreciete it if you can help me out.

Edited by Emir Özmen
better explonation
Posted (edited)

I just tried out again with right connections (TX -> RX, RX-> TX) and this time it's reversed. This time I can send from my Orange PI 3 with true. But when I tried from my PC it's garbage.


You can see the screenshot of the "garbage" text. For example when I click to G it sends L, when I click to H it sends TAB. So unrelated characters like that.



Edited by Emir Özmen

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