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[Armbian newsletter] - Armbian Leaflet #1

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Dear Armbian Community,

We have exciting updates to share with you regarding our build framework and other community projects.

Less than a month ago, we upgraded our build framework to the new system, and we are pleased to inform you that we have managed to fix most of the obvious bugs. However, if you encounter any bug related to the build framework, feel free to open an issue on our GitHub page. Pro bono help in closing issues is most welcome!

Armbian 23.05 release planning is underway with a primary focus on cleaning up the list of supported boards. Maintainers who don’t attend the meeting risk losing support status for their board.

Thanks to your support in our crowdfunding campaign, we are pleased to announce that we will be able to fund one or two additional big aarch64 irons. The campaign has been successful so far with half of the target money raised and we thank our 37 donors who contributed. If you haven’t participated yet, don’t worry; you still have 16 days before the it ends! Join the campaign.

We have also improved and updated our “About Armbian” page. Check it out at  to learn more about our team and work.

After many attempts, we have received a verified Discord name! You can now join our Discord community at https://discord.gg/armbian to chat with us and other members of the Armbian community.

Community giveaways: We have a winner! Congrats to vandyman who won a Nanopi AIR with camera! Big thanks to the other 11 participants. More info on our forum at https://forum.armbian.com/raffles/

Thank you for your continued support and contribution to the Armbian community!

Best regards,
The Armbian Team

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