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Hello, I have a problem on my orange pi 3 lts. Namely, I have armbian 23.03 Jammy Xfce installed and on some screens it shows normally, on others the image does not appear. I also tried using the Uart converter and it loads everything normally, but then the following message starts appearing every second.


[  161.905394] panfrost 1800000.gpu: js fault, js=0, status=INSTR_INVALID_PC, head=0xa005bc0, tail=0xa005bc0



I am also experiencing the same issue - after reading through many previous forum posts regarding graphics & driver issues with the OPi3LTS I wasn't able to turn anything up.

I've been trying to troubleshoot as best as possible over the last week or so and I haven't had any success - I don't have a lot of experience in this space so I'm pretty much starting from scratch myself.

Any assistance at all would be appreciated, even a nudge toward some documentation for the Panfrost driver that might have further info regarding this error code.

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