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Hello, long time Banana Pi user here.


I have a BPI-M2+ and recently decided to write Armbian_23.02.2_Bananapim2plus_bullseye_current_5.15.93_minimal.img to emmc. I am using cat6 over gigabit LAN and am seeing scp and rsync transfers to the device averaging 1.7mb/s. Transfering an 850mb file took unusually several minutes. It starts off at 40mb/s then quickly drops to under 2mb/s. Is this typical? I would think over LAN I would be seeing much faster speeds.


Untarring this same 850mb archive also took unusually long. Could the emmc be damaged or on it's way out? How would I check?


Please see armbianmonitor output. https://pastebin.com/RCaPzUEz


I understand this is an old question, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to add that indeed 1.7 Mbps is indeed very low.  I get about 100 Mbps even over wifi (to the router, LAN from there to the BPi).  CPU goes to about 80% on a single core for that ssh transfer.

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