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Docker on CubieTruck ?

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As I saw some people were able to use docker on CubieTruck :

As there are also some images for Raspberri/docker like http://blog.hypriot.com/getting-started-with-docker-on-your-arm-device/and as in the changelog of the kernel, docker is mentionned, I would like to know how to install & use docker on my cubietruck.


Did someone achieve that ? I'll be quite interested to do a docker cluster of my Rasp & Cubietruck for my self hostiing needs :)


Maybe this could help too : https://github.com/umiddelb/armhf/wiki/Installing,-running,-using-docker-on-armhf-%28ARMv7%29-devices







I thought I enabled backports by default and as I didn't find docker.io yesterday, I thought it did not exist. - Seems I was wrong, wo I will check later when back home !


Thanks for pointing the right direction !


@Dh0mp5eur : indeed, with jessie-backports, it works better :)


@September : you mean using the .deb from hypriot ? Did you test it on a CubieTruck ?


Seems, you've got it. On RasPi2 the overlay FS is 'self detected' and added as a parameter. No glue why it's not on the BPi and CT. Unfortunately you have to do the small change whenever you update Docker. I already tried to manipulate the docker config under /etc To persist. So far w/o success. When there's time ...

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