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Edimax N150 USB WiFi dongle not working on Orange Pi 5+

Go to solution Solved by socal,

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I've been messing with my OPi5+ for several days now and I cannot for the life of me get my USB Wifi dongle to work. When I input "


" the OPi shows my dongle as plugged in but it just doesn't work. I've tried to compile the Wifi dongle drivers (RTL8188eu) manually but that fails with a "python2 error". I've tried updating the Armbian headers and firmware and nothing works.

I've tried both the OPi OS and Armbian OS and on both images the board will just not read my Wifi dongle. My USB Bluetooth dongle Plugs and Plays just fine, only the Wifi dongle is inoperable.


So my question is how in the hell do I get the Edimax N150 USB Wifi dongle to work with my OPi 5+? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


(P.S. I also tried the latest vanilla Ubuntu release with my OPi5+ and that OS wouldn't even boot, or at least my monitor screen kept saying "No signal detected" for 15 mins after I booted the OPi5+ before I gave up and switched to the Armbian OS)

  • Solution

Still haven't figured out what the hell is wrong with Armbian. I've tried multiple dongles and none of them work with Armbian but some work with Ubuntu, so I'm going with Ubuntu from now on because at least I can use WiFi with that OS.

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