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Sorry for the newbie question. Is it possible to configure Armbian/OrangePiZero such as it can bridge 2 wireless networks. i.e.: connecting to an existing SSID to gain access to the internet, and at the same time servicing as an access point using another SSID ?


And.... how do I do that ?

Thanks in advance,




Follow any guide about creating a linux router. You need to do NAT (network address translation) between a wi-fi connection and a either another wi-fi or ethernet connection. You'll also need to set up IP masquerading and firewall rules. It's really simple!


For *routing* between two wireless connections you'll need two wireless interfaces on the Orange pi zero (forget *bridging*, more hassle than it's worth). I would buy an SBC that has at least two usb ports and use two name brand wireless dongles. The current Orange Pi onboard Wi-Fi is flaky, I'd ignore it. You need a dongle that works well with *hostapd* (the linux program that turns a Wi-Fi dongle into an access point).


This is a great guide (just remember that you can masquerade any network interface to another wired/wireless whatever)




There are many other guides too]



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