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Posted (edited)

I used python script with Orange pi zero 3 (Armbian_community_24.8.0-trunk.6_Orangepizero3_bookworm_current_6.6.31_minimal.img)



1) /dev/ttyS1 is actually Serial 2 as per pin diagram as per Orange Pi Zero 3 - Armbian web page

2) /dev/ttyS2 is actually Serial 5 as per pin diagram as per Orange Pi Zero 3 - Armbian web page

3) even if I set rtscts=True in crateing object ser in above script, there is no output on rts or cts pin.


I am looking forward to have RTS pin remain high during transmission to easily integrate ic for RS485 communication. I was glad that Amrbian for Orange Pi Zero 3 has out of the box RTS CTS pin support which otherwise is a complicated matter for me.


Please guide how to make the serial port work along with RTS pin to remain high during transmission of data.



Edited by vtech
Posted (edited)

I also tried adding line "param_uart2_rtscts=1" to "/boot/armbianEnv.txt".


This enabled GPIO Mode ALT2 for UART2_RTS and UART2_CTS.


However, still no voltage changes on RTS or CTS pin when tried to send data over TX.


Looking forward for help. Thanks in advance.


P.S.: WiringPi (https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/wiringOP.git) does not seem to be working for Orange Pi Zero 3 as it is showing H616 in output of gpio readall command





Edited by vtech

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