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Posted (edited)

Hello all's, after several tries, I have functional path how to install latest Armbian with functional Wifi (perfectly work) and Ethernet (semi-functional (slow speed) to emmc, on Hannspree 80-AK000001G002  Android TV Box (RK3288).

!!! Use at your own risk !!!


  1. Download Multitool https://users.armbian.com/jock/rk3318/multitool.img.xz
  2. Create SD card with Multitool using balenaEtcher https://etcher.balena.io/#download-etcher 
  3. Download old Armbian image (Armbian_21.05.0-trunk_Rk3288_focal_current_5.10.27.img.xz) from balbes150 https://mega.nz/folder/j9QSDQSQ#6WpasOlbZYIInfw6yo4phQ/file/Sw5nHADY
  4. Put image onto SD card, into images folder
  5. Put SD card into tvbox, without attached HDMI cable
  6. Power on tvbox
  7. Wait for blue led blinking, after that connect HDMI cable
  8. Create backup (for your own safety)
  9. Erase flash
  10. Burn downloaded old Armbian image into flash
  11. Shutdown
  12. Power on tvbox and complete initial setting (its important for emmc resize)
  13. Power off tvbox
  14. Download or compile (I prefered compile it own) latest Armbian image for Thinkerboard (be careful, must be Thinkerboard with RK3288, not Thinkerboard-2 !!!!) 
  15. Create SD card with Thinkerboard image (my recommendation is use another SD card)
  16. Insert SD card into tvbox
  17. Power on tvbox
  18. Wait for boot complete
  19. Complete initial settings
  20. Using lsblk identify correct device address for emmc storage (in my case its mmcblk2p1)
  21. Create mount path: sudo mkdir /tmp/emmc
  22. Mount emmc into it: sudo mount /dev/mmcblk2p1 /mnt/emmc
  23. Paste Thinkerboard files into emmc using rsync: sudo rsync -avx --exclude=/mnt/emmc / /mnt/emmc
  24. Power off tvbox
  25. Eject SD card
  26. Power on tvbox

IMG_2246 2.jpg


Edited by Aiden

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