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[Armbian build PR] - Add board BananaPi F3 (Platform SpacemiT) v2

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This picks up from where we left off: https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/6771

Added Linux Legacy and Current.

  • Legacy: 6.1.15
  • Current: 6.1.95

Wireless has been given its own function and patch directory. Bluetooth firmware added to armbian/firmware. esos.elf moved to: packages/blobs/riscv64/spacemit/

Host machine used for builds: Ubuntu Noble (aarch64) Images tested: Ubuntu Noble Minimal and Debian Sid

Information: https://docs.banana-pi.org/en/BPI-F3/BananaPi_BPI-F3 https://gitee.com/bianbu-linux

Flashing u-boot to eMMC: (This is not apart of the PR and needs to be added in the future.)

echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk2boot0/force_ro
sleep .50
dd if="bootinfo_emmc.bin" of="/dev/mmcblk2boot0" bs=512 conv=notrunc
dd if="FSBL.bin" of="/dev/mmcblk2boot0" bs=512 seek=1 conv=notrunc
dd if="FSBL.bin" of="/dev/mmcblk2boot0" bs=512 seek=512 conv=notrunc
dd if="fw_dynamic.itb" of="/dev/mmcblk2" bs=512 seek=1280 conv=notrunc
dd if="u-boot.itb" of="/dev/mmcblk2" bs=512 seek=2048 conv=notrunc

Tested: Bluetooth and Wifi (useless without an ANT) Ethernet (1 and 2) PCIe USB HDMI Debug UART

NOTE: One major difference between this build and the others available else where is the use of SYSLINUX/EXTLINUX instead of the ENV file.

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