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[Armbian build PR] - aml-s9xx-box: bsp-cli hashing fixes


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aml-s9xx-box: bsp-cli hashing fixes

  • aml-s9xx-box: inline bsp-cli preinst function so it's hashed together with the hook; half fixes #6817
    • this is technically cheating, but works
    • add TODO's ref the manual include'ing of files that are not hashed in the bsp-cli
  • aml-s9xx-box: move files included in bsp-cli from packages/bsp/aml-s9xx-box to config/optional/boards/aml-s9xx-box/_packages/bsp-cli; fixes #6817
    • with this:
      • those files are automatically hashed by the bsp-cli hashing mechanism
      • no need to copy them manually any more

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