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is anybody around  here running an OpenBazaar-Server on a bananaPro ?


I tried hard to get it running on Lubuntu, arch, raspbian but nothing worked out.


there are lots of tutorials but they are not working for me an my banana.


If there is a solution around with armbian on a bananaPro i would like to try it.


Any experiences are welcome....


due to the overwhelming response of my posting :-) i had to give it a try on my own to install armbian on the banana Pro.


Good new in advance - the operating system is up and running, everything seems to work fine out of the box. That is a great advantage to all the other OSs i installed previously.


But i am still far away from running an openbazaar store.


The installation of the openbazaar-server package via clone git......  didnt work out at all. There are several mishaps and errors. First of all, threre are problems with permissions.

The folder >OpenBazaar-Server< is located in  /home/user but the owner is <root>. So some of the installation failes because of insufficent permissions to access the folder.


Other problems refer to python modules and different versions of pip.


I am a mainly normal user and not familiar to coding oder python.


Now i need help in setting up the openbazaar Server. In this state i would need someone who is aquainted with python and Github packages. Maybe its easy to solve the obstacles and get the store running on my ( and any other banana/raspberry/orange)banana for someone who knows what to do :-)


I would apreciate any help to get it running.


Everyone is waiting for Openbazaar 2, but this is still in pre beta state. At the moment we will have to work with the latest 1.1 version, wich seems to be rather difficult to install.

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