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(Not Armbian) - installing the gadget printer

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I need help with the Printer gadget i have a Beaglebone Black and Bixolon 350plus thermal printer. I need to Capture the output and send the captured output onwards to the printer.

I m not sure how this is working and i dont know am i on the right track to solve this problem.

I have enabled the CONFIG_FS and usb gadgets and when i load the g_printer with modprobe g_printer everything seems ok, the Beaglebone is connected to my pc( ubuntu 16.04) on my pc apperars that i have connected linux g_printer and it asks me to install ther drivers.

And this is the output of lsusub

Bus 003 Device 009: ID 0525:a4a8 Netchip Technology, Inc. Linux-USB Printer Gadget.

And when i type ls /dev/  i see there is a g_printer0

Can someone please give me the answers of this question

1. Is this ok? and when i load the driver on the Beaglebone,should my pc recognized them as linux g_printer or the name of the printer?

2.How do i test this if its working?

Know i load the drive with modprobe idVendor=0x1504 idproduct=0x0006 (this are the ids for my bixolon printer) and again it apperars linux g_printer. This is the output form lsusb

Bus 003 Device 010: ID 1504:0006 

When i try something to print nothing is happen!! Is there more that i need to do?



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