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OrangePi 5 Pro need help booting into nvme

Go to solution Solved by allatutti,

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as you mentioned OrangePi 5 Pro is missing spi flash, so instead of spi you must use sdcard for boot, you can only move root partition to nvme.

in armbian-config you can use move root to nvme, worked fine as I tested it last time.

Edited by allatutti
  • Solution

with latest armbian build for Orangepi 5 pro you need to:

1) sudo armbian-install

2) select Boot from SD - System on SATA, USB or NVMe

3) confirm and continue with ext4 format etc....


after finish and reboot you will have root on nvme, you can check it with command df -h


using the armbian-install configuration did not work well for me.


I figured out that I had to dd an image to my nvme device then edit the orangepiEnv.txt file in the mmc (actual boot device) and add the UUID for the nvme partition under rootdev=


Also, after this is done and you are booting, you need to edit your /etc/fstab to load the mmc boot partition.


/dev/mmcblk1p1    /boot    vfat    defaults    0    2


That why if you want to install a new kernel, it installs it in the right place.

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