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I have 2 5C Lite boards a 2Gb and 4Gb version, neither have HDMI output with any stock images either from armbian or radxa.

Thru desperation I found an Android image that booted and had screen output, so the HDMI works atleast.


After stuffing around I found that the u-boot image extracted from the Rock-5D t2(rsdk) and injected into Rock-5C b1(rsdk) Bookworm_kde image boots and has working screen.


Longer story short, getting Armbian 24.11 to work... Narrowed it down from replacing the entire u-boot.itb, I can get a working desktop with kernel version 5.10 Bookworm by removing the rng@fe378000 trngvl section (enabled mali400/bifrost driver in kernel) from u-boot, this atleast has a working system, problem is that there is no fan control with any of the 5.10 builds I've tried.


Kernel 6.1 and 6.11 these atleast have fan control but back to no HDMI output, tried the same method of removing rng from u-boot but system fails to boot.


At a loss to get HDMI working on newer builds, has anyone had any success or ideas


Running the check rk3582 script shows there is a GPU:

Rock 5C 4Gb
CPU:    7
GPU:    Yes
Enc0:    Yes
Enc1:    Yes
Dec0:    Yes
Dec1:    Yes

removed.binFetching info...

Edited by Jared

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