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Mainline Debian Armbian Banana PI PI4J


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I have a mainline installation of Armbian (Debian) on my banana pi on which I want to control a display from within java.

Version of the kernel: Linux bananapi 4.11.6-sunxi #6 SMP Fri Jun 23 19:56:18 CEST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux


The connections I use are as followed:

  Python lib PI4J  
WR 23 4  
RD N.U. N.U.  
DC 24 5  
CS N.U. N.U.  
RESET 25 6  
LED 18 1  
D0 8 10  
D1 7 11  
D2 11 14  
D3 9 13  
D4 10 12  
D5 22 3  
D6 27 20  
D7 17 18  


First I have tried to control the io from wiringPi python:

>>apt-get install python-dev
>>git clone https://github.com/LeMaker/RPi.GPIO_BP -b bananapi ~/RpiGpio
>>cd ~/RpiGpio
>>python ~/RpiGpio/setup.py install
And wrote a script in which I can set all my GPIO on my banana PI, no problem.

Attached a test.py for blinking these IO.


So my connections are ok :-) 

After this I installed openJDK 8

>>apt install -t jessie-backports openjdk-8-jdk ca-certificates-java


I installed the snapshot which I have been using on a raspberry..

>>wget http://get.pi4j.com/download/pi4j-1.2-SNAPSHOT.deb
>>dpkg -i pi4j-1.2-SNAPSHOT.deb


And then compiled and run my Main.java

>>javac -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' -d . Main.java

>>java -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' Main

resulting in eth0 going offline. Does anyone know why my eth0 loses connection?


Hope someone can help me :-S




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Armbian & Khadas are rewarding contributors

Same happends if I use the stable libs.


Here are the steps for reproducing.

//***** JRE (java) 1.7
>>apt-get update
>>apt-get install default-jdk
>>cd ~
>>wget http://get.pi4j.com/download/pi4j-1.1.deb
>>dpkg -i pi4j-1.1.deb
>>mkdir test
>>cd test
>>wget https://forum.armbian.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=1481
>>cp attachment.php?id=1481 Main.java
>>rm attachment.php?id=1481
>>javac -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' -d . Main.java
>>java -classpath .:classes:/opt/pi4j/lib/'*' Main


Is it a wrong pinning table? 

The "mainline notes" do mention something about the pinning but I can not find the correct pinning table for the usage with pi4j. 


Any tips?

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Java as language is shit and support is weaker than for python in Linux so use python. Many apps in your distribution is written with python, much less with java. I have worked with C/C++ over 20 years and when java came I was forced to use that all tough with C++ I implemented software faster than my work mates with java. Python works beautifully in Linux, so when you need a interpreted programming language, use python.

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Thank you for your reply.

In my case there is only a specific lib available in java. At the raspberry the pi4j lib works perfect. On the banana pi it does not.


I think in the kernel some gpio io is switched for io of eth0. as pi4j uses wiringPI libs, it probably also happends if I program it in C using wiringPI. But I will try to test this.

Still Java is the platform I have to use so switching is not an option.




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So I have changed a framebuffer driver to just initialize these pins and exactly the same happends.

In the framebuffer I used The wiringPI Python pinnumbers and use the krnel gpio.h functions.


The code is ansi c ( so no java :-p ) function used:

gpio_request_one(pin, val, desc);


If I not use the 5 red pins in my initial post everything works fine. 


Does anyone know what is wrong and hopefully know how I can fix this?



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The problem in the framebuffer is solved.

At the sunxi wiki (http://linux-sunxi.org/GPIO) there is mentioned you have to calculate your pins.

(position of letter in alphabet - 1) * 32 + pin number


If I want to use IO-4 on CON3 then we can lookup the pin on this website:  http://wiki.lemaker.org/BananaPro/Pi:Pin_definition

IO-4 is PH20 => P-((7*32)+20) => P-244


If I lookup all the io and change it in the framebuffer everything is working fine. 

As the problem now only exists in PI4J I will discuss it further on their issuetracker.







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