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Hi there,


Forgive me but I am a novice in Armbian.


What I would like to do is install armbian on the T95Max box I have purchased.


I have attached a pic of the Box and it's specs.


I have tried to "upgrade" using the SD method but couldn't make that recognise the SD card even with the original firmware "T95max-H618-A9.img" that I sourced using Google.


I have also tried to get the T95 Max recognised via the USB method but the box wasn't even recognised using that method either.


I used the "Universal_ADB_Driver_v6.0" drivers but that made no difference.


If I could get the correct method sorted and an upgradeable firmware for Ambian that would be a great help.


I can compile the firmware if needed but I am unsure of what Ambian image would be the best starting point.


Any help would be gratefully received.






Posted (edited)

Hi Mark,

Try this image. First extract the image. Then use balenaEtcher software to write the image onto your SD card.


A toothpick can be used to trigger FEL mode on an TX95 Max by pressing the FEL button on the PCB with the non-conductive tool. The FEL button is located inside the 3.5 mm headphone socket. To trigger FEL mode, press the button while the device is booting.






Edited by Nick A
Posted (edited)

Hi Nick,


Thank you for your reply.


I have tried the image and have successfully loaded ARMBIAN from the SD so thank you for that! A lifesaver!


It hasn't overwritten the EMMC and currently only runs just from the SD which at the moment is not a bad thing while testing.


I guess at some point I would want the box to boot armbian from the EMCC - I am not sure If that's possible.


I was wondering if the Armbian image could support the boxes inbuilt WIFI?


It works on ethernet and a USB Wifi Dongle but not the inbuilt wifi.


Lastly I only want to run one software package when the box boots, is it a case of just adding the package by the normal means (Curl)?


And then If I wish to repeat the exercise for another box I can just image the SD and use that to create a new box?


Kind regards,







Edited by Mark Waples
updated info

To get wifi working we need to figure out which wifi chip your box has. The kernel might have already detected your wifi chip but you need to install the proper firmware. Can you post a copy of your dmesg. 


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Nick A said:

To get wifi working we need to figure out which wifi chip your box has. The kernel might have already detected your wifi chip but you need to install the proper firmware. Can you post a copy of your dmesg. 


Hi Nick,


I have attached the dsmeg file as requested:




I guess its all the following that are not working




IR Remote


Not sure about the following: (Untested)




OpenGL & Hardware Video Decoding


Kind regards,




ps: I forgot to say:


is it safe to 


sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade -y


As I am not sure if this will break the custom image??



Edited by Mark Waples
Posted (edited)



I don't see anything in your dmesg that helps. You need to open your box and take a picture of the wifi chip.


HDMI audio:


I think you need to switch the pulseaudio output device. It's probably set to your AV port right now. 


IR remote:


sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade -y


Yes it will break the custom kernel. You need to block kernel updates with the armbian config tool.




You should read this thread. You'll find a lot of infomation here.



Edited by Nick A
Posted (edited)

Hi Nick,


the wifi Chip is as follows:



Single-Chip Dual Band 802.11 a/b/g/n MAC/BB/Radio with USB/SDIO Interface
Supports calibration algorithm to handle no-idealities effects from CMOS RF block
STBC in RX mode
A-MPDU Tx & Rx
Support immediate Block-Ack
AP/STA mode: Soft-AP
Single power supply,type 3.3V


and the Bluetooth Chip is as follows:



And the LED driver chip is a 



If it helps others I will post some images of both sides of the PCB



Edited by Mark Waples



appreciated - seems this box is not well supported in linux :) well the wi-fi anyway.


Until linux drivers come along in the future, there must be a better box that has full linux/Armbian support?


Any recomendations please?



Posted (edited)

Thanks Nick,


grateful for the recommendation.


Can you please tell me if your image supports Realtek 8821CU - if not is it possible to add it?


I have one of these dual bluetooth and wifi.


Interesting that windows reports it as Realtek 8821CU but Armbian reports it as a Realtek 8188GU


UPDATE: I noticed that the device was in CDmode using the command lsusb so I installed modeswitch


sudo apt install usb-modeswitch usb-modeswitch-data


And that's it fully working wifi and bluetooth. No other configuration required.


ultrics wifi.jpg

Edited by Mark Waples

Hi Nick,


I am making progress so thank you for your assistance.


Just one more thing and I promise I will leave you alone :)


I can't seem to get a user to automtically login.


I edited the lightdmf.config with the following line:




But that didn't work


I only have one user apart from root.


My single user does not have a password and I am not sure that is an issue.


Kind regards,



Posted (edited)

Getting there...


Trying to get the openvfd service to run


trying to follow these instructions...


Jan 15 14:06:29 transpeed-8k618-t systemd[1]: Started openvfd.service - OpenVFD Service.
Jan 15 14:06:29 transpeed-8k618-t sh[2627]: modprobe: FATAL: Module openvfd not found in directory /lib/modules/6.10.10-edge-sunxi64
Jan 15 14:06:29 transpeed-8k618-t sh[2628]: Open device failed.
Jan 15 14:06:29 transpeed-8k618-t sh[2628]: : No such file or directory
Jan 15 14:06:29 transpeed-8k618-t systemd[1]: openvfd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jan 15 14:06:29 transpeed-8k618-t rmmod[2629]: rmmod: ERROR: Module openvfd is not currently loaded
Jan 15 14:06:29 transpeed-8k618-t systemd[1]: openvfd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


OK I tried to make the modules but get the following error

root@transpeed-8k618-t:~/linux_openvfd/driver# make -j 4
make -C /lib/modules/6.10.10-edge-sunxi64/build M=/root/linux_openvfd/driver modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/6.10.10-edge-sunxi64/build'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'modules'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/modules/6.10.10-edge-sunxi64/build'
make: *** [Makefile:5: modules] Error 2


I have installed the headers using the Armbian Config Tool and rebooted

And retried but no go! :(


Still none the wiser


Any suggestions most welcome...

Edited by Mark Waples
Posted (edited)

Hi Alex,


thanks again - I am learning fast.


I have installed your headers  - Git clone timed out so had to manually copy the header deb file to my /root


git clone git://github.com/NickAlilovic/build/releases/download/20241125/linux-headers-edge-sunxi64_24.11.0-trunk_arm64__6.10.10-S049b-D2d3c-P228a-C1adfH5c21-HK01ba-Vc222-Ba3b7-R448a.deb


And installed them using the command:


sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-edge-sunxi64_24.11.0-trunk_arm64__6.10.10-S049b-D2d3c-P228a-C1adfH5c21-HK01ba-Vc222-Ba3b7-R448a.deb


When using the command make -j 4 from the /root/linux_openvfd/driver folder I get the following error:


root@transpeed-8k618-t:~/linux_openvfd/driver# make -j 4
make -C /lib/modules/6.10.10-edge-sunxi64/build M=/root/linux_openvfd/driver modules
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/6.10.10-edge-sunxi64/build'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'modules'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/lib/modules/6.10.10-edge-sunxi64/build'
make: *** [Makefile:5: modules] Error 2


For info I am trying to follow MMorales info.


unpack the attached file to root dir /
cd /linux_openvfd

cp openvfd.dts /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/                      
armbian-add-overlay /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/openvfd.dts

ln -sf /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/System.map
cd cd /linux_openvfd/driver
make -j 4
depmod -a
make modules_install
modprobe openvfd
cd ..
chmod +x OpenVFDService
cp OpenVFDService /usr/sbin/
cp openvfd.service /etc/systemd/system/openvfd.service
#apt install python3-psutil
systemctl enable openvfd.service
systemctl start openvfd.service 

After this, openvfd is working but if you want my scroll.py as a service uncomment in openvfd.service and comment the existing one.
#ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '[ `cat /proc/device-tree/openvfd/compatible` = "open,vfd" ] && /sbin/modprobe openvfd; python3 /linux_openvfd/scroll.py'





Kind regards,



Edited by Mark Waples

I never did resolve this.


Might just revisit this at a later date.


So close but not close enough lol


I took the easy option and went for a pi 2 zero for my project which is a shame but when you live on the edge these things happen :)


At last I have linux_openvfd working although some of the charaters are upside down lol


the Makefile was incorrect and should have been as follows:


		PWD = $(shell pwd)
	        KERNELDIR = /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
	        $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modules

	        $(MAKE) -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(PWD) modules_install
	        rm -rf  *.o *.ko .tmp_versions *.mod.c modules.order  Module.symvers ssd253x-ts.* 
		obj-m := openvfd.o
		openvfd-objs += protocols/i2c_sw.o
		openvfd-objs += protocols/i2c_hw.o
		openvfd-objs += protocols/spi_sw.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/dummy.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/seg7_ctrl.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/fd628.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/fd650.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/hd44780.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/gfx_mono_ctrl.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/ssd1306.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/pcd8544.o
		openvfd-objs += controllers/il3829.o
		openvfd-objs += openvfd_drv.o


I got this information from here:





According to instructions: Place your vfd.conf into /storage/.config folder.


Am I mssing something?


Where is the /storage directory?


Sorry for being so dumb - does anyone know where the vfd.conf files should go?


Hmm the plot thickens


dmesg | grep Open - gives me this - so it's not finding the vfd.conf file and is looking in the Device Tree for instructions as a fallback - so where does this vfd.conf file go?



[   14.228662] OpenVFD: Version: V1.4.4
[   14.228681] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_clk:           Empty.
[   14.228686] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_dat:           Empty.
[   14.228691] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_stb:           Empty.
[   14.228698] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio0:              #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[   14.228704] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio1:              #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[   14.228711] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio2:              #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[   14.228718] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio3:              #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00; #2 = 0xFF;
[   14.228724] OpenVFD: vfd_gpio_protocol:      #0 = 0x00; #1 = 0x00;
[   14.228728] OpenVFD: vfd_chars:              Empty.
[   14.228733] OpenVFD: vfd_dot_bits:           Empty.
[   14.228738] OpenVFD: vfd_display_type:       Empty.
[   14.228749] OpenVFD: Detected gpio chips:    300b000.pinctrl, 7022000.pinctrl.
[   14.228753] OpenVFD: Failed to verify VFD configuration file, attempt using device tree as fallback.
[   14.237971] OpenVFD: openvfd_gpio_clk: pin = 267, flags = 0x00
[   14.237998] OpenVFD: openvfd_gpio_dat: pin = 268, flags = 0x00
[   14.238004] OpenVFD: openvfd_gpio_stb pin entry not found
[   14.238009] OpenVFD: openvfd_gpio0 pin entry not found
[   14.238013] OpenVFD: openvfd_gpio1 pin entry not found
[   14.238017] OpenVFD: openvfd_gpio2 pin entry not found
[   14.238021] OpenVFD: openvfd_gpio3 pin entry not found
[   14.238025] OpenVFD: chars_prop = 00000000a90cb56d
[   14.238033] OpenVFD: chars_prop->length = 5
[   14.238036] OpenVFD: char #0: 2
[   14.238040] OpenVFD: char #1: 1
[   14.238044] OpenVFD: char #2: 2
[   14.238048] OpenVFD: char #3: 3
[   14.238052] OpenVFD: char #4: 4
[   14.238057] OpenVFD: dot_bits_prop = 000000008d579c57
[   14.238061] OpenVFD: dot_bits_prop->length = 7
[   14.238065] OpenVFD: dot_bit #0: 0
[   14.238070] OpenVFD: dot_bit #1: 1
[   14.238073] OpenVFD: dot_bit #2: 3
[   14.238077] OpenVFD: dot_bit #3: 2
[   14.238081] OpenVFD: dot_bit #4: 4
[   14.238085] OpenVFD: dot_bit #5: 5
[   14.238089] OpenVFD: dot_bit #6: 6
[   14.238094] OpenVFD: display.type = 0, display.controller = 3, pdata->dev->dtb_active.display.flags = 0x00
[   14.238531] OpenVFD: Select FD650 controller
[   14.238612] OpenVFD: SW I2C interface intialized (address = 0x0000 (N/A), MSB mode, pull-ups off)


Posted (edited)

At last I have linux_openvfd working although some of the charaters are upside down lol



Using MMorales openvfd scripts I don't remember needing vdf.conf.



In openvfd.service you can remove "#" infront of ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '[ `cat /proc/device-tree/openvfd/compatible` = "open,vfd" ] && /sbin/modprobe openvfd; python3 /linux_openvfd/scroll.py' then edit the scroll.py script with your custom settings. Remember to add '#' in the second ExecStart.

Description=OpenVFD Service

#ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '[ `cat /proc/device-tree/openvfd/compatible` = "open,vfd" ] && /sbin/modprobe openvfd; python3 /linux_openvfd/scroll.py'
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '[ `cat /proc/device-tree/openvfd/compatible` = "open,vfd" ] && /sbin/modprobe openvfd; /usr/sbin/OpenVFDService'

ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID
ExecStopPost=-/usr/sbin/rmmod openvfd



Edited by Nick A
Posted (edited)

Hi Nick,


I attempted to modify the /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/openvfd.dts as the following two ways and still the characters are upside down.


openvfd.dts  for Tanix


/ {
   fragment@0 {
      target-path = "/";
      __overlay__ {
         openvfd {
        compatible = "open,vfd";
        dev_name = "openvfd";
        openvfd_gpio_clk = <&pio 8 11 6>;
        openvfd_gpio_dat = <&pio 8 12 6>;
        vfd_gpio_chip_name = "0300b000.pinctrl";
        openvfd_chars = [02 04 03 02 01];
        openvfd_dot_bits = [00 01 03 02 04 05 06];
        openvfd_display_type = <0x03000001>;
        status = "okay";


and this one:


openvfd.dts  for Vontar (Transpeed)


/ {
   fragment@0 {
      target-path = "/";
      __overlay__ {
         openvfd {
        compatible = "open,vfd";
        dev_name = "openvfd";
        openvfd_gpio_clk = <&pio 8 11 0>;
        openvfd_gpio_dat = <&pio 8 12 0>;
        vfd_gpio_chip_name = "0300b000.pinctrl";
        openvfd_chars = [02 01 02 03 04];
        openvfd_dot_bits = [00 01 03 02 04 05 06];
        openvfd_display_type = <0x03000000>;
        status = "okay";



I still have the display upside down - and no colon between the digits and on the right I get a constantly flahing network symbol


I have a feeling I am barking up the wrong tree by editing this file - it makes no difference.


Kind regards,



Edited by Mark Waples



Thank you for the reply and your assistance, but first I need to establish what file the OpenVFD service is using for it's configuration.


There are so many posts with conflicting methods and I have tried them all but to no avail.


What a mess!


So if anyone can tell me how to find the configuration file I am stumped.


As I said this is new to me so I am learning on the job so to speak.


Kind regards,





Posted (edited)
[   14.228753] OpenVFD: Failed to verify VFD configuration file, attempt using device tree as fallback.


Your openvfd is using the device tree as the configuration file since it cannot find the configuration file vfd.conf. You can edit your device tree overlay or you would need to create a /storage/.config/ directory and put your vfd.conf inside. You’ll need root permission to create the directories and file.


Here you can find example vfd.conf files.



You can also try running this command for help.

OpenVFDService --help


Then there's also the openvfd.service. This runs OpenVFDService everytime your linux server boots.



Other ways of controlling the LED's. You can put these commands in openvfd.service if needed.



Have you tried extracting your dts? you might find your android original openvfd device tree settings there.

Edited by Nick A

Not to hijack the thread, but there is a much better alternative driver rather than OpenVFD, you can take a look here


Hi Both,


thank you for the advice.


Nick do I need root permissions on android to get my openvfd device tree settings as I do not have root?


and just to confirm its




and not




Kind regards,



Posted (edited)

Good question. I'm not sure.


First you need to enable Developer options. Then enable Wireless debugging on your device.



If you are using linux you don't need Android SDK platform-tools to access adb software.

sudo apt install adb



sudo adb connect 192.168.X.X:5555  (x is your local network address for your android box)

sudo adb shell

ls -al /dev/block/



Edited by Nick A
22 hours ago, jock said:

Not to hijack the thread, but there is a much better alternative driver rather than OpenVFD, you can take a look here

Hi Jock,


is it that easy - I couldn't see anywhere it says a T9MAX configuration file and regarding converting an existing vfd.conf file is a non-starter as I cannot even work out if I have one - it seems like I don't as openvfd is reading the device tree and I have no idea as to what the device tree file is and where it resides.


Sorry - I am a complete noobie with Armbian/linux variants


Meanwhile the display is flashing at me upside-down in a teasing sort of way!!!


Kind regards,



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