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orange PI does not start after reboot

Go to solution Solved by darko,

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First, sorry for my English
Second, the problem...
I have an Orange PI Zero 3, 4gb
I install the OS without any problem, the image I use is the following:
I configure the network with the program "nmtui", everything is fine.
I enter through ssh since the screen is not detected through HDMI, I do an apt update and then apt upgrade... everything seems correct, until I do a reboot... my Orange Pi does not start anymore.
I am interested in installing openmediavault, that is why I resort to a debian image.
What is the problem?
I am not using the correct image?
I need your help

  • Solution

I have deleted everything and installed the following image:
Everything is fine, I have also installed OMV and no problems.
Thanks everyone!!!

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