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I see in the /usr/lib/armbian/armbian-firstrun script that it runs the command:


update-rc.d ap6212-bluetooth defaults


for nanopi neo air (and some other boards)


However if I try to run this script

sudo /usr/lib/armbian/armbian-firstrun start


The result is:

update-rc.d: error: unable to read /etc/init.d/ap6212-bluetooth
setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version
setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version
setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version
setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version
setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version
setfont: ERROR kdfontop.c:183 put_font_kdfontop: Unable to load such font with such kernel version



I cannot find ap6212-bluetooth anywhere ... is this something old that was left by mistake in the armbian-firstrun script? Anyone know?

(wifi and bluetooth seem to work)




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