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how to autostart remmina when user logs in

Go to solution Solved by z28z34man,

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I have an orange pi 3 LTS running armbian 25.2 noble gnome that i installed an xfce4 desktop


i am trying to autostart a remmina RDP session when a user logs in.


I started by making a .desktop file in file in the home/(xxx user name xxx).config/AutoStart and making it executable. 

the .desktop file will run fine when ran manually but doesn't start on boot


I then tried making a .service file in /home/(xxx user name xxx)/.config/systemd/user/

then doing a systemctl --user daemon-reload

then doing a systemctl --user enable (my service name)

when i do a systemctl --user start (my service name) it runs fine

on reboot it fails and when i check the status by systemctl --user status (my service name)  it comes back failed with can not open display as the fault.


what should I try next

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