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Hello everyone,


I am new to this so please forgive my eventual mistake.
I have a Rock 4 SE with Armbian Linux 6.12.13-current-rockchip64 (bookworm) for Rockpi 4B (because there is not a special version for SE it re-commanded to use 4B).


And I try to use the CSI port to connect a Camera Raspberry Pi V2.1.


And I does not work, I have tried to add different value to the overlay in /boot/armbianEnv.txt like overlays=rockchip-csi csi or imx219
with a reboot each time, but it doesn't seem to work. Looking around, it seems like there is a lot of issue with csi camera and rock 4 with armbian (and sometime other os).
But none seems to have an answer, but because these are old, 4 to 6 years old, maybe there is an answer now.

Looking closely to the overlay, it seems there is no CSI related file in boot/dtb/rockchip/overlay/ it seems possible to maybe create one, but out of my skill right now.

So I am desperate for help, if someone can help making this camera work, I would be great full.


Running "v4l2-ctl --list-devices" give :
rockchip,rk3399-vpu-enc (platform:ff650000.video-codec):

rockchip-rga (platform:rga):

rkvdec (platform:rkvdec):

My overaly :

overlays=rk3399-v4l2-video imx219 csi

I have try with "," instead of space for overlay value.

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