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I have a question, does anyone know a method to start
in the Opi Lite system the I2S audio interface and in particular I mean the module: PCM5102 / PCM5102a
On my old OrangePi Lite board, sound and audio in the configuration as mentioned above really work great ... but unfortunately the Armbian system that I use is no longer supported. This is the Ubuntu version (xenial) and kernel: 3.4.113-sun8i, I managed to update some programs important to me, e.g. mpd / mpc but not to the latest versions. I also have another version of OrangePI 3 LTS and I know that on this model it is rather impossible to start I2S + PCM5102 so I used a good sound card under USB and it is OK. However, I think that it should be possible on the Pi Lite? so far I have tried such a howto ... but without success.

armbian-add-overlay sun8i-h3-I2S-out.dts

entry in the file sun8i-h3-I2S-out.dts :


/ {
	compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3";

 	fragment@0 { 
 		target-path = "/"; 
 		__overlay__ { 
			pcm5102a: pcm5102a {
			#sound-dai-cells = <0>;
			compatible = "ti,pcm5102a";
			pcm510x,format = "i2s";

	fragment@1 {
		target = <&i2s0>;
		__overlay__ {
			status = "okay";
			pinctrl-0 = <&i2s0_pins>;
			sound-dai = <&pcm5102a>;
			pinctrl-names = "default";

	fragment@2 {
		target-path = "/";
		__overlay__ {
			sound_i2s {
				compatible = "simple-audio-card";
				simple-audio-card,name = "I2S-master";
				simple-audio-card,mclk-fs = <256>;
				simple-audio-card,format = "i2s";
		                status = "okay";

				simple-audio-card,cpu {
					sound-dai = <&i2s0>;

				simple-audio-card,codec {
					sound-dai = <&pcm5102a>;

and an additional entry in the armbianEnv.txt file


I once did it according to another tutorial but it was on the old Ubuntu Xenial system



It would be useful to update the system and kernel after a dozen or so years 🙂

Edited by kris777

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