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Nano Pi Air AP


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Hi All,


I try to get a web page accessible from a hotspot with a notification sent to customer when it connects to the AP (using lighttpd, hostapd, dnsmasq, squid and squidguard)

I can connect to the AP but I have no response to the ping :o


On the Nano Pi Air in AP mode :

iwconfig => wlan0     IEEE 802.11  ESSID:"Armbian" 

ifconfig => inet addr:


I must be able to switch between modes with my software so I use scripts :

To switch in AP mode =>

pkill -f 'ifup .*wlan0'; ifdown wlan0
ifdown wlan0
/bin/systemctl stop NetworkManager && /bin/systemctl disable NetworkManager && kill $(cat /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid) && kill $(cat /run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid)
rmmod dhd && modprobe dhd op_mode=2
pkill -f 'ifup .*wlan0'; ifdown wlan0
cp /home/user/interfaces_hostapd /etc/network/interfaces
ifup wlan0
service dnsmasq restart & service isc-dhcp-server restart & service hostapd restart

To switch in Normal mode =>

pkill -f 'ifup .*wlan0'; ifdown wlan0
/bin/systemctl stop hostapd & kill $(cat /var/run/dnsmasq.pid)
rmmod dhd && modprobe dhd
cp /home/user/interfaces_default /etc/network/interfaces && service dnsmasq stop & service hostapd stop & service isc-dhcp-server stop
/bin/systemctl start networking.service && /bin/systemctl enable NetworkManager && /bin/systemctl start NetworkManager && /usr/bin/nmcli d set wlan0 managed yes

When I switch in normal mode, I can ping and access to the webpage. In AP mode I can connect, get an IP, and then I have no response to ping, I don't know why..... :)

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