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  1. Take the easy way: sudo losetup /dev/loop0 Armbian_5.30_Orangepipc_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113.img (alternatively when burned on sd-card the same with e.g. /dev/sdg or similar). sudo partprobe /dev/loop0 sudo mount /dev/loop0p1 XX sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static XX/usr/bin sudo chroot XX passwd ----> Enter new Password for root exit sync sudo umount XX sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0 (If this doesn't work, there is something worn with the image ...) Cheers Thomas GB
  2. As I told in an other tread before: I looked into the software for PowerVR about two days long. It is completely chaos. Even I don't know any source to get a linux-version from. You ask for the difference? Mali GPU works! The software is free avaiable. Look at Orange PI PC, or Odroid C1+. And now - have you ever seen the GPU software for BananaPI M2? For Cubieboard 8? For a "Lemmon PI" ? No? Have you ever seen a software from those producers that works reliable? No? From my opinion it's a waste of time to support boards with hardware from which you have no documentation. For Mali GPU you find for example here: https://malideveloper.arm.com/resources/documentation/ Do you have any similar source for PowerVR? No? Ok - nice for talking about;)
  3. Hi, I looked into the image. And I found: NO GLES or something equal. As I mentioned sometimes before: It is totally uninteresing to support any board with PowerVR. If someone needs any board wihout video output for making a server - there are a lot. If you provide that, then you always have to think about that that you abet the producer or patent holder to go on making this nasty deception. They give a PowerVR GPU an hide the essential infomation. Cheers ThomasGB
  4. Is it possible to change the resolution for BPI-M2 to 720p with Armbian?
  5. Part 2: /lib/modules/4.2.3-sunxi/build: No such file or directory. Stop. The reason is, that uname -r gives "4.2.3-sunxi" the correct version should be "4.3.3-sunxi". But that's not the only thing, Because after patching makefile I get: /bin/sh: 1: scripts/basic/fixdep: not found
  6. Two things: - If no HDMI is pluged in, /dev/fb0 disapears. Replug and it's there again. Must that be? (This nearly made me crazy 'till I found out!). - Compilation of external Drivers doesn't work anymore after new update. I have the precise error not here because I reinstalled generic version, but it's reproducable. (e.g with that: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2007/07/05/devhelloworld-a-simple-introduction-to-device-drivers-under-linux.html?page=2). Cheers Thomas
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