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  1. Thanks for the reply @javaxsousa, but unfortunately it didn´t work. I Downloaded the image from https://armbian.hosthatch.com/archive/orangepizero2/archive/Armbian_22.08.7_Orangepizero2_jammy_edge_5.19.16.img.xz , burned it to the sd card and run your command but I still have a blank screen I'll keep checking the forum for any progress you or some one else makes, and if I can make it work I'll also leave a message. Thanks
  2. Hello! @javaxsousa Could you please share the image you manage to boot with your TV Box? I have an IK316-EMCP_V4.1 and I've tried several images and none of them seem to work. I'd like to to try the one you built since the hardware seem to be quite similar. Thank you in advance!
  3. Hello all. As many of you on this forum, I have a cheap TV box with the Allwinner H313 CPU and it seems that no Armbian ROM Available fits my device as all I get is a blank screen when trying to boot. ( I tried the Orange PI Zero 2 and Big Tree Tech's images which I Assume use the same CPU). Las week I saw this post by @BigZero and my TV box booted using the Mini Arch Image. My question is, from what I read all Armbian Images would'nt boot because the device tree is wrong. I tried changing the DTB file in the Armbian image with the DTB file from Mini Arch but that didn't seem to work as I still get a blank screen when booting. What am I doing wrong? Are DTB files different because Armbian is Debian based and Mini Arch is Arch Linux based? Is there a way to use the DTB file that boots with Mini Arch on an Armbian image? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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