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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. I ordered the native heat sink and haven't had any overheat issues at all but then I ordered the native case with fan from LoveRPi.com. That said, I had to run the fan at 3.3 v, which is sufficient. If I attempted to run the fan at 5V, it will stop the system from booting. As Igor notes, the power (current = V/Z) coming in from micro USB is quite limited. I could use external power for the fan. Maybe an external piggybacked barrel-jack power supply for the GPIO connected devices and fan, possibly supplying microUSB power as well, is indicated. I thought I had a DOA system for a while, until I tried booting without the fan. I like the native case with fan and wish I had ordered several of them, not just for the Libre board but for other Pi's as well, because the fan mounts to the case, not to the heat sink.
  2. I'd like to note that esbeeb was correct that replacing Armbian version 5.59 with version 5.65 did make the DNS problems go away. With Armbian version 5.65 (not version 5.59), the router response with DNS server settings, in addition to the DHCP with gateway, and IP is seen correctly, as it should. I can then go in to edit connections and add additional DNS servers, and set other IP protocol options. So sfx2000 was correct but only with respect to Armbian version 5.65. There was only a minor bump in the road with starting up Armbian 5.65 and that is, on first boot, you have to hit return a couple of times to log in, else the system seems to have frozen on boot. It did not, of course, but you have to hit return a few times to see that it hasn't. We can conclude the (LoveRPi.com) Libre Computers Renegade ROC-RK3328-CC does boot and run Armbian v.5.65. I do have to use Etcher to image the SD RAM (as opposed to Linux dd) but that's just a sidebar note. (That's the only operating system I've been able to get it to boot but just knowing that the board works, i.e. isn't DOA, is an advancement such that I can work on getting other things to boot as well.) Kind regards to all who assisted in this thread. I hope it helps others as well.
  3. Preface note: I invoke su and the root password before any of the below command were invoked. I had already tried, as JMCC suggested, modifying /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, of course removing the hash sign: DNS= FallbackDNS= #Domains= LLMNR=no MulticastDNS=no DNSSEC=no Cache=yes DNSStubListerner=no Then I rebooted. No effect as measured by systemd-resolve --status and by trying to browse the Internet. The reason I didn't use IPv6 is because we block all of IPv6 everything, as a security measure (whether or not that seems like a good idea to everyone else). Doing much the equivalent of what was suggested, I used nano to edit /etc/resolv.conf That worked, until I rebooted and then, as indicated by /etc/resolv.conf/resolv.conf.d/head , resolv.conf got overwritten. However, some part of JMCC's suggestion did work. I tried chwe's suggestion because it seemed it might be a more proper way. Nope. It had the same effect as editing the connections as noted in the problem statement, which is to say it didn't work. I've noted the Armbian in question is version 5.59. So, in response to esbeeb's suggestion, I'm downloading 5.65 in hopes I'll also see the problem go away. In the interim, the 2nd part of JMCC's suggestion worked. I'm surprised that it did work, in light of the statement in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf, However, it appears that rc.local is invoked after the resolver (presumably systemd-resolve) is finished, so it works. I used nano to edit /etc/rc.local to say: echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf echo 'nameserver' > /etc/resolv.conf So, until the newest version of Armbian, available for the Libre Computer Renegade (from LoveRPi.com) is finished downloading, that is the solution. I hope this works for everybody and greatly thank all whom contributed to this solution. Kind regards,
  4. I purchased a ROC-RK3328-CC from LovRPi.com. The ONLY OS available I can get to boot is Armbian, so this is important. This is a new install. Everything seems to work well enough except DNS. The browser can't resolve domain names, though it can access the various routers' IP's.. cat resolv.conf shows the head text and nameserver I've tried editing the network connection, adding DNS servers, which had no effect except that systemd-resolve --status shows the correct DNS servers for eth0 (the wired connection). This cannot be altered by systemd-resolve --set-dns=[DNS Server IP]. It doesn't throw an error but neither does it change anything, even on reboot. I've tried editing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf with nano, uncommenting and setting the DNS, FallbackDNS, uncommenting and turning LLMNR=no, MulticastDNS=no, Cache=yes, DNSStubListener=no Saving that and rebooting doesn't change a thing. I'm on a SOHO LAN and do not have a DNSSEC signed router. Someone suggested editing ./etc/resolv.conf directly with nano, despite the head text which says it won't work. It doesn't work. Checking it's local router, there are no error messages. Apparently, the ROC-RK3328-CC has finished DHCP, is on the MAC and DHCP lists, has the correct IP and can get outside it's local router to the outer routers, just like every other workstation, as long as it uses an IP to get there.. Can anyone PLEASE tell me how to set the DNS server (that actually works)?
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