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Posts posted by ccfiel

  1. @tkaiser I have downloaded (http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/4U4tkD/Armbian_5.07_Orangepih3_Debian_jessie_4.6.0-rc1.7z) and tested the OS for orange pi pc. I just want to report there no display in HDMI port but I can connect to ssh. 


    I also notice the login banner is bananapi m2+


    see image http://snag.gy/18rph.jpg



    I prepared 3 new test images, two for Orange Pi One/PC/2 and one for the Plus (MD5 sum and image name): http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/4U4tkD/


    2fe714c80d035de6035dfe04cd07b309  Armbian_5.03_Orangepi2_PC_One_Debian_jessie_3.4.110.zip

    128001930a180168dff043fc11b4b634  Armbian_5.03_Orangepi2_PC_One_Ubuntu_trusty_3.4.110_desktop.zip

    cbd303d71da6207e727f60c5943954ff  Armbian_5.03_Orangepih3_Debian_jessie_3.4.110.zip

    71087e71c0ab226f15800b29a648ffcb  Armbian_5.03_Orangepih3_Debian_wheezy_3.4.110.zip

    9459673a680eb8bfa3c33f48d4481a13  Armbian_5.03_Orangepiplus_Debian_jessie_3.4.110_desktop.zip

    f20bb8476788e4b5c0f5fbd7b874e6ea  Armbian_5.03_Orangepiplus_Debian_wheezy_3.4.110.zip

    ccf10f46206b916c556374aaa0378179  Armbian_5.03_Orangepih3_Debian_jessie_4.4.2.zip

    1a73e031fb106eb3b96265572630c37d  Armbian_5.03_Orangepiplus_Debian_jessie_4.4.2.zip


    EDIT: Images are available from now on at the usual location: http://www.armbian.com/download/


    Don't try to run those for One/PC/2 on the Plus and vice versa!


    We tried to provide a single OS image that detects on which board it's running at first boot but due to the horrible code quality of this 3.4.x kernel we got from Allwinner it seems not possible (if you're interested in details, follow this discussion TL;DR: It's not working, without further wasting more time we now plan to provide one OS image for One/PC/2 and later the Lite and a separate for the Plus)


    Serial console is disabled there (mostly by accident and also to prevent One users from crying, they'll see prior to the first reboot countless 'ARISC ERROR' messages that will magically disappear after the first reboot). Please be patient and don't touch the system for the first 3 or even up to 5 minutes since the first boot takes longer and then an automated reboot will happen.


    If you want to have (extensive) output on the serial console, then please edit /boot/boot.cmd so that the kernel cmd_line arguments read:

    setenv bootargs "console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rootwait rootfstype=ext4 cgroup-enable=memory swapaccount=1 sunxi_ve_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_g2d_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_no_mali_mem_reserve sunxi_fb_mem_reserve=16 hdmi.audio=EDID:0 panic=10 consoleblank=0 enforcing=0 loglevel=8"

    Afterwards it's necessary to run

    mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr

    In case you want to try out a kernel with CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=y please download and extract kernel_5.03_h3_unified_verbose_debug.tgz and use dpkg -i *sun8i*.deb afterwards.


    In case you want to get an idea what's going on with your board, think about installing RPi-Monitor. See a few posts/pages before or have a look at install-rpi-monitor-for-h3.sh.


    And most importantly please keep in mind that these are test versions only. Not intended for any sort of productive use, they're just there to get feedback from you to help us improve things. Igor is out of lab this week, me then too. We just want to collect some feedback in the meantime and will release new images later that will be more user friendly.


    In case you want to change the display resolution (720p is currently default) you'll have to tweak fex settings. You might use the h3disp script skeleton for this purpose and adjust lines 63/64, execute it (set DVIUsed=FALSE when you use no HDMI-to-DVI converter and HDMIMode according to the following table) and reboot. In the meantime I improved h3disp -- see next post below.


    Please be prepared that none of the images is ready yet, we're still busy nailing down really basic problems and had no time/motivation to tune GUI/desktop stuff. This will take still some time.

  2. @martinayotte What I tried so far


    1. rename the file to sun8i-h3-orangepi-pc.dtb-4.6-PATCHED to sun8i-h3-orangepi-pc.dtb

    2. replace the file from /boot/sun8i-h3-orangepi-pc.dtb to the file a donwloaded

    3. reboot.


    It boot properly but the problem is Ethernet is disable. The orange and green light is off.


    Did I installed the patch correctly? 

  3. @candratech I was able to get a copy of version V4.x kernel in this link  http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/4U4tkD/and ttyS1 to ttyS5 was present in the /dev folder but its not accessible in the my code. I tried to  dmesg | grep tty only /dev/ttyS0 is enable and used for debug port any suggestion how to enable the other UART ports? Can you please try in your device this command 

    dmesg | grep tty

    if other tty is enabled in your OS? Thanks in advance! 



    @martinayotte  as you say


    For Legacy v3.4.xxx, maybe the FEX needs to be tweaked, you can look at it by using bin2fex (and fex2bin if you need to change something)



    Maybe you can give me some tips how to enable the UART ports?. I am noobs in this things. In my rasbian all UART ports is enable. I was wondering why this ports are not default enable in ambian :)

  4. @martinayotte @candratech the problem is /dev/ttyS3 does not exist only /dev/ttyS0. How can I enable  the ttyS3? Any ideas? :)



    The UART on header pin 8/10 is not /dev/ttyS0 !

    The /dev/ttyS0 is the UART attached to the small 3 pins header next to DC Barrel.

    The one on the header pin 8/10 is the UART3, therefore, as @candratech mentioned, it should be /dev/ttyS3...

  5. I have a orange pi pc (H3).  I connected a thermal printer which has a TTL interface so I connected the TX wire from the printer to  8 and RX to 10 to orange pi. I change the serial port in my script to /dev/ttyS0 and tried a test print but it will not print. I have tried this in raspberry pi 2 and it works. Any tips how to connect the thermal printer to orange pi.

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