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  1. It turns out it was a problem with the oscilloscope.
  2. Hi. What do you mean by requests information and 3rd party script? I can add further details to the question if I understand what you mean.
  3. Hello. I am using the NanoPi NEO Core board to communicate via UART1 and UART2 ports. I configure the ports using Python - pyserial. This is my configuration code: import serial com = serial.Serial( port = '/dev/ttyS' + str(port), baudrate = 115200, parity = serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout = 0.02 ) The problem is that the UART TX signal is not clean, as you can see from the following pictures: https://ibb.co/5sdvGVf https://ibb.co/zfgZrGT I get the same signal on both UART ports. I also confirm that I get a similar signal even when the UART TX pin is floating, which leads me to think it may be a software or UART interface problem. Does anybody have a clue what the problem is?
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