If Helios/Kobol is out of business - What "specs" should I use to define a replacement board - a rockchip 3399 board with the dimensions ?
Help please -- (I'm getting an increased number of memory errors and of late an increased number of USB faults)
I'm running (at the moment) - the system as a simple NAS with exported NFS4 volumes - the entire lot of 5 drives are formatted at BTRFS -- I'm working on archiving the data off and once done I'll format all as ext4 and try using simple RAID.
at a Linux OS (Armbian recommend Ubuntu), download the latest source of armbian build
git clone https://github.com/armbian/build.git
copy patch file arm_arch_timer.patch to folder userpatches/kernel/sunxi-next (more details in documentation). Run the compile script
choose "U-boot and kernel packages", apply.
choose "Do not change the kernel configuration" for a standard kernel, or "Show a kernel configuration menu before compilation" for customize your kernel (recommended for advanced users), apply
choose your board
choose "next"
apply, and now just have a coffee and wait. After compilation deb packages generated at folder output/debs, copy the deb packages to you Armbian and run dpkg -i *.deb
more details at https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/