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Marcin Jabrzyk

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  1. Here is what turns out. My USB3.0 to Gigabit Ethernet adapter was very very bad quality. After looking at iperf3 it maxed out <400 Mb/s. After switching to other one Odroid gives ~100MB/s Sorry for late answer. Here I my results that I currently get. On a fresh image of OMV4 from Sourceforge with only apt update, apt dist-upgrade and single samba share configured. The speed I have are super bad. I'm out of ideas. I've also done some dd test of write to the hard disk from console The results I get are nowhere as good as I can see here and here https://wiki.odroid.com/odroid-xu4/software/omv_nas/eng/01_beginning?s[]=seagate#reference_samba_speed_measurement I'm using Seagate ST5000LM000-2AN170
  2. Hi, I'm using Odroid HC1 for quite a long time and I've observed much degradation on SMB/NFS speed when making upgrades to the board. I'm not sure why? Maybe I'll find some idea what it can be. Previously the board was working with speeds >100MB/s when reading from it on Windows (smb) or Linux (nfs) now max speeds on the same configuration are ~40 MB/s. That's way too slow. I don't see any process to hang on pc, while copying using smb the samba process is using not so big amount of CPU on big cores from what I see. I've grabbed armbianmonitor output so you can check it also: http://ix.io/1zrL Currently I'm working on: 4.14.87-odroidxu4 Thanks, Marcin
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