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Posts posted by cynfab

  1. Well the security was the key, I had just assumed that if the network manager of jessie could handle an AP with no security that the one from Xenial could as well. My bad.

    When I turned on WPA and gave the AP a password, then tried to activate with nmtui, it immediately asked for a password, then associated and connected to the AP. Which can now ping out to the internet. After about 10 pings of 15ms to google.com I get 2-3 pings of 2000-4500ms then it's back to 15-20ms, then sporadically I'll get another looong ping time.

    BUT That's another issue.


    Thanks for the assistance.

  2. I have been having wifi connection issues with the OPi Zero as well.

    But only with the mainline kernel.
    With the legacy kernel, I can connect to my various access points and transfer data, SSH etc.
    I wanted to try out the mainline kernel, so about a month ago I downloaded one of the nightly builds
    I was not surprised that the WiFi didn't work at all.
    I waited several days while reading the forums and once folks were reporting a working
    mainline, I tried again. THis time I could see access points but could not associate.
    After a while I started investigating what could be wrong with my setup.
    At this point I had a working jessie 3.4.113 and a non working Xenial 4.9.0
    (not working wifi that is). Both stock installs of Armbian 5.24.

    I tried several power sources, several usb cables, old slow SD cards, and new fast SD cards.
    All results were consistent, jessie 3.4.113 worked, Xenial 4,9.0 then 4.9.1,4.9.2,4.9.3 didn't.

    I then thought that maybe I had a bad OPi Zero, so I ordered and waited 3 weeks to get a second.
    It arrived the other day and all results with the new board were the same.

    Today I saw that there was an actual release of Xenial 4.9.4 for the OPi Zero. Downloaded it and
    got the same results.

    Ethernet works on both jessie and xenial.
    I have tried with the ethernet cable connected and disconnected.
    I have tried with power management on and off.
    I can do a iwlist scan and see access points on both systems. It almost seems like there is no
    data being sent from the OPi with Xenial. I probed the 1.8V and 3.3V power for the Wifi chip and both are
    at nominal levels.

    Both my boards are 512M and came with the SPI flash soldered on.
    This is a stock installation of the Armbian Xenial 4.9.4 I downloaded on 1/26/2017. No other packages
    have been loaded, upgraded or configurations changed.

    Messages which might be of interest:
    iwconfig wlan0 essid MyAP

    [ 1408.950945] xradio_wlan mmc1:0001:1: missed interrupt
    [ 1449.630902] wlan0: authenticate with 18:a6:f7:02:4d:fa
    [ 1449.630999] ieee80211 phy0: ignore IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_MONITOR (0)IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_IDLE (1)
    [ 1449.631309] wlan0: send auth to 18:a6:f7:02:4d:fa (try 1/3)
    [ 1449.631713] wlan0: send auth to 18:a6:f7:02:4d:fa (try 2/3)
    [ 1449.631858] wlan0: send auth to 18:a6:f7:02:4d:fa (try 3/3)
    [ 1449.631964] wlan0: authentication with 18:a6:f7:02:4d:fa timed out

    after ifconfig eth0 dowm then iwconfig wlan0 essid MyOtherAP
    [ 2237.719983] wlan0: authenticate with f4:f2:6d:a3:0e:5c
    [ 2237.720124] ieee80211 phy0: ignore IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_MONITOR (0)IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_IDLE (1)
    [ 2237.720154] ieee80211 phy0: Freq 2412 (wsm ch: 1).
    [ 2237.721079] wlan0: send auth to f4:f2:6d:a3:0e:5c (try 1/3)
    [ 2237.721619] wlan0: send auth to f4:f2:6d:a3:0e:5c (try 2/3)
    [ 2237.721951] wlan0: send auth to f4:f2:6d:a3:0e:5c (try 3/3)
    [ 2237.722278] wlan0: authentication with f4:f2:6d:a3:0e:5c timed out
    [ 2237.761757] ieee80211 phy0: ignore IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_MONITOR (0)IEEE80211_CONF_CHANGE_IDLE (1)

    modinfo xradio_wlan
    filename:       /lib/modules/4.9.4-sun8i/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/xradio/xradio_wlan.ko
    alias:          xradio_core
    license:        GPL
    description:    XRadioTech WLAN driver core
    author:         XRadioTech
    alias:          sdio:c*v0020d2281*
    depends:        mac80211,cfg80211
    intree:         Y
    vermagic:       4.9.4-sun8i SMP mod_unload ARMv7 thumb2 p2v8

    iw wlan0 info
    Interface wlan0
            ifindex 3
            wdev 0x1
            addr 12:42:87:47:5c:af
            type managed
            wiphy 0

    Module                  Size  Used by
    evdev                  10043  0
    xradio_wlan            92375  1
    mac80211              322651  1 xradio_wlan
    cfg80211              191902  2 mac80211,xradio_wlan
    rfkill                 10928  3 cfg80211
    sun8i_ths               3134  0
    gpio_keys               8453  0
    cpufreq_dt              3586  0
    uio_pdrv_genirq         3354  0
    thermal_sys            42239  2 cpufreq_dt,sun8i_ths
    uio                     8012  1 uio_pdrv_genirq

    ip link show wlan0
    3: wlan0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN mode DORMANT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 12:42:87:47:5c:af brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

    uname -a
    Linux orangepizero 4.9.4-sun8i #3 SMP Fri Jan 20 22:11:20 CET 2017 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

    nmcli device show
    GENERAL.DEVICE:                         eth0
    GENERAL.TYPE:                           ethernet
    GENERAL.HWADDR:                         02:42:87:47:5C:AF
    GENERAL.MTU:                            1500
    GENERAL.STATE:                          30 (disconnected)
    GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     --
    GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       --
    WIRED-PROPERTIES.CARRIER:               on

    GENERAL.DEVICE:                         wlan0
    GENERAL.TYPE:                           wifi
    GENERAL.HWADDR:                         12:42:87:47:5C:AF
    GENERAL.MTU:                            0
    GENERAL.STATE:                          30 (disconnected)
    GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     --
    GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       --

    GENERAL.DEVICE:                         lo
    GENERAL.TYPE:                           loopback
    GENERAL.HWADDR:                         00:00:00:00:00:00
    GENERAL.MTU:                            65536
    GENERAL.STATE:                          10 (unmanaged)
    GENERAL.CONNECTION:                     --
    GENERAL.CON-PATH:                       --
    IP6.ADDRESS[1]:                         ::1/128

    systemctl status network-manager
    ��◠NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled; vendor p
       Active: active (running) since Sat 2017-01-21 01:39:25 UTC; 31min ago
     Main PID: 543 (NetworkManager)
       CGroup: /system.slice/NetworkManager.service
               ��└��─543 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon

    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964387.6761] devi
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964387.6777] poli
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <warn>  [1484964387.6790] devi
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964387.6810] devi
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964387.6821] mana
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964387.6829] poli
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <warn>  [1484964387.6840] devi
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964387.6871] devi
    Jan 21 02:06:27 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964387.6945] devi
    Jan 21 02:06:32 orangepizero NetworkManager[543]: <info>  [1484964392.9635] devi

    My question is this, where should I go from here to debug this issue, has anyone seen the same or
    similar problems. I have been able to rebuild the kernel from sources using the Armbian tools,
    but that was a few days ago with 4.9.3 and now that 4.9.4 is in use, I haven't had time to try
    building it again. My thoughts were to turn on wifi debugging and see what messages came out.

    For my project I could use the legacy kernel, but I'd rather not.

    BTW. I AM in a rural area where the only AP's I see are my own, and there is little other traffic on 2.4G (this may
    not last forever, but today I can use 2.4G.)

  3. I posted both issues because I have 2 separate projects, one with a PcDuino3 Nano Lite and one with an Orange Pi One.

    These issues may be related but then maybe not.

    Project #1 wanted to use a pre-built image for the PcDuino, It wouldn't boot even to getting past u-boot-spl to u-boot. Clearly something wrong with how the pre-built image was put together.

    Project #2 wanted to see how progress on getting the H3 supported was going and compiling my own kernel usually gives me a good indication of how bleeding the edge is.

    I wanted to provide some feedback as Igor requested on the opening Armbian page. So 2 posts for 2 issues, hoped my install.log would help.

  4. Thanks for the tip.

    I added BOOTBRANCH='v2016.03' to compile.sh but this patch still seems broken:


    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-02-support-cheap-mmc.patch u-boot-dev 2016.03
    patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line


    I then tried v2016.05-rc1 and the compile of u-boot and the kernel succeded.


    install.log for 2016.03:


    Displaying message: Preparing host info
    Displaying message: Host system support was not tested rosa wrn
    Config: linux-sun8i-dev
    Kernel source: https://github.com/wens/linux
    Branch: h3-emac
    linuxsource: linux-sun8i-mainline
    Offset: 1
    bootsize: 0
    bootloader: git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git
    bootsource: u-boot
    bootbranch: v2016.03
    CPU 480000 / 1296000 with ondemand
    02.05.2016 10:06:52 Armbian 5.11 Orangepih3 Debian dev
    Displaying message: Starting Armbian build script @host info
    Displaying message: Compiling kernel orangepih3 info
    Displaying message: Syncing clock host info
    Displaying message: source downloading @host info
    Displaying message: ... creating a shallow clone u-boot v2016.03 info
    Displaying message: ... updating linux-sun8i-mainline info
    Displaying message: ... updating sunxi-tools info
    Displaying message: ... updating sunxi-display-changer info
    Displaying message: Compiling sunxi tools @host & target info
    Displaying message: Cleaning /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/sources/u-boot/v2016.03 info
    Displaying message: Cleaning /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/sources/linux-sun8i-mainline/h3-emac info
    Displaying message: Cleaning /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/output/debs for orangepih3 dev info
    Displaying message: Started patching process for u-boot u-boot-dev 2016.03 info
    Displaying message: Looking for user patches in userpatches/u-boot/u-boot-dev info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/add-awsom-uboot.patch u-boot-dev 2016.03
    Displaying message: ... add-awsom-uboot.patch succeeded info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/add-cubieboard4.patch u-boot-dev 2016.03
    Displaying message: ... add-cubieboard4.patch succeeded info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-02-support-cheap-mmc.patch u-boot-dev 2016.03
    patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-02-support-cheap-mmc.patch succeeded info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-99-opi-change-build-settings.patch u-boot-dev 2016.03
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file configs/orangepi_pc_defconfig.rej
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file configs/orangepi_plus_defconfig.rej
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/arm/dts/Makefile.rej
    The text leading up to this was:
    |diff --git a/configs/orangepi_2_defconfig b/configs/orangepi_2_defconfig
    |index ff9ac09..992cfa1 100644
    |--- a/configs/orangepi_2_defconfig
    |+++ b/configs/orangepi_2_defconfig
    No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-99-opi-change-build-settings.patch failed wrn
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-fix-3f9f8a5b83f8aec40c9f4ee496046a695e333c45-null-pointer-dereference.patch u-boot-dev 2016.03
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c.rej
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-fix-3f9f8a5b83f8aec40c9f4ee496046a695e333c45-null-pointer-dereference.patch failed wrn
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-set-safe-axi_apb-clock-dividers.patch u-boot-dev 2016.03
    The text leading up to this was:
    |diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c b/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c
    |index 15272c9..cedddc2 100644
    |--- a/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c
    |+++ b/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c
    No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored
    The text leading up to this was:
    |diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c b/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c
    |index cedddc2..3fe9305 100644
    |--- a/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c
    |+++ b/arch/arm/mach-sunxi/clock_sun6i.c
    No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-set-safe-axi_apb-clock-dividers.patch failed wrn
    Displaying message: Compiling uboot. Please wait.  info
    arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.4
    Displaying message: Target directory /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/output/debs/ info
    Displaying message: Building deb linux-u-boot-dev-orangepih3_5.11_armhf.deb info
    Displaying message: ERROR in function compile_uboot common.sh:162 err
    Displaying message: Building u-boot failed, check configuration  err
    Displaying message: Process terminated  info

  5. Tried to build kernel only for OrangePih3 ( I have an Orange Pi One)

    and the build failed while trying to patch u-boot.

    Below is the install.log file since the forum software won't let me upload a file of type .log and once I tried, it won't let me attach anything, but that's another problem...

    Which turned out to be a cockpit problem ;>P



    Displaying message: Preparing host info
    Displaying message: Host system support was not tested rosa wrn
    Config: linux-sun8i-dev
    Kernel source: https://github.com/wens/linux
    Branch: h3-emac
    linuxsource: linux-sun8i-mainline
    Offset: 1
    bootsize: 0
    bootloader: git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git
    bootsource: u-boot
    CPU 480000 / 1296000 with ondemand
    02.05.2016 08:15:40 Armbian 5.11 Orangepih3 Debian dev
    Displaying message: Starting Armbian build script @host info
    Displaying message: Compiling kernel orangepih3 info
    Displaying message: Syncing clock host info
    Displaying message: source downloading @host info
    Displaying message: ... updating u-boot info
    Displaying message: ... updating linux-sun8i-mainline info
    Displaying message: ... updating sunxi-tools info
    Displaying message: ... updating sunxi-display-changer info
    Displaying message: Compiling sunxi tools @host & target info
    Displaying message: Cleaning /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/sources/u-boot/branchless info
    Displaying message: Cleaning /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/sources/linux-sun8i-mainline/h3-emac info
    Displaying message: Cleaning /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/output/debs for orangepih3 dev info
    Displaying message: Started patching process for u-boot u-boot-dev 2016.05-rc3 info
    Displaying message: Looking for user patches in userpatches/u-boot/u-boot-dev info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/add-awsom-uboot.patch u-boot-dev 2016.05-rc3
    Displaying message: ... add-awsom-uboot.patch succeeded info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/add-cubieboard4.patch u-boot-dev 2016.05-rc3
    Displaying message: ... add-cubieboard4.patch succeeded info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-02-support-cheap-mmc.patch u-boot-dev 2016.05-rc3
    patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-02-support-cheap-mmc.patch succeeded info
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-99-opi-change-build-settings.patch u-boot-dev 2016.05-rc3
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file configs/orangepi_pc_defconfig.rej
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file configs/orangepi_plus_defconfig.rej
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file configs/orangepi_2_defconfig.rej
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-99-opi-change-build-settings.patch failed wrn
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-fix-3f9f8a5b83f8aec40c9f4ee496046a695e333c45-null-pointer-dereference.patch u-boot-dev 2016.05-rc3
    Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Skipping patch.
    1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.c.rej
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-fix-3f9f8a5b83f8aec40c9f4ee496046a695e333c45-null-pointer-dereference.patch failed wrn
    /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/lib/patch/u-boot/u-boot-dev/u-boot-set-safe-axi_apb-clock-dividers.patch u-boot-dev 2016.05-rc3
    Displaying message: ... u-boot-set-safe-axi_apb-clock-dividers.patch succeeded info
    Displaying message: Compiling uboot. Please wait.  info
    arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.1) 4.8.4
    Displaying message: Target directory /media/kenm/usr5/OrangePiOne/Armbian/output/debs/ info
    Displaying message: Building deb linux-u-boot-dev-orangepih3_5.11_armhf.deb info
    Displaying message: ERROR in function compile_uboot common.sh:162 err
    Displaying message: Building u-boot failed, check configuration  err
    Displaying message: Process terminated  info



    I edited my compile.sh file to select Kernel only.

    Using the menu after running ./compile.sh I selected orangepih3 and the latest dev version of the kernel.



  6. I downloaded:


    and burned it to an SD card, when I tried booting the board, all I get on the uart console is the

    u-boot SPL signon message



    U-Boot SPL 2016.01-armbian-sun8i  (May 01 2016 - 01:05:19)

    DRAM: 1024 MiB

    CPU: 912000000Hz, AXI/AHB/APB: 3/2/2

    Could not determine boot source


    resetting ...



    This repeats forever...


    I had previously used:


    and it worked fine on the same board.

    I tried recompiling u-boot from source using the Armbian build tools, with the same result.



    U-Boot SPL 2016.05-rc3-armbian  (May 01 2016 - 10:57:44)

    DRAM: 1024 MiB

    CPU: 912000000Hz, AXI/AHB/APB: 3/2/2

    Could not determine boot source


    resetting ...



    The board is a PcDuino3 Nano Lite which is the same as the non-Lite version except it is missing the NAND and IR receiver.


     any thoughts on what might be wrong??



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