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  1. Hi, I have tried to start a BPi M64 with the image 3.83. Unfortunately I just got a few kernel messages which looks like a kernel panic and the last message that the board will be rebooted in 10 seconds. I tried several sd-cards ans boards (I plan to use some in paralel), but nothing changed. I tried as well 3.75, 3.69 and 5.65. with that images but I didn't get any monitor signal and there is no try of getting an ip adress from this board (I checked the dnsmasq log files on my dhcp server). Just the 5.59 image is working. But after an (dist-)upgrade the version change to 3.83 and I have a not running board. As a workaround I freezed kernel updates to be able to use the board but in my opinion this is not the correct way. Has anyone a solution for that topic? Do you need more information? thx for your help!
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