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  1. In the latest armbian release (bullseye 22.11.1 with kernel 5.19) armbian-config seems to be updated, too. armbian-config lacks the "Install" section now, so it is impossible to install the bootloader to another media like SPI flash or SATA. I'll try another SD for the moment...
  2. Hi charly_53, perhaps you can switch to the previous kernel using the "armbian-config" utility (then navigate to System -> Other). Afterwards you could freeze kernel upgrades until the problem is solved kernel-side.
  3. Is it possible to update the kernel via armbian-config?
  4. Unfortunately this is still persistent for me. I did armbian-config ---> System -> Install -> Install/Update the bootloader on SPI/Flash but still rebooting is not possible. I have populated both SATA slots with a 1TB Samsung SSD. I can see a red LED flickering three times when HC4 is trying to reboot. But rebooting doesn't happen... I’m running Armbian 22.08.8 Bullseye with Linux 5.10.147-meson64.
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