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  1. Thank you both! I'll have a look at those links, and get a heatsink
  2. Hi! I'm using a mosfet to control a fan based on temperature on my opipc, but now it just turns on and off. I'd like to control the rpm with pwm, but I cannot use any of the pins with wiringop :S I read on an other forum that the h3 has only one pwm, but which one is the pwm pin, and how could I use it? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi! I've tried to compile the lwjgl lib on my opiplus2, but I'm stuck on ant compile_native_es. ant jars_es finished successfully. The error: [apply] /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lEGL Tried to install libegl1-mesa-dev package but it conflicts with the mali driver package. Is it possible to compile the lwjgl with opengl-es on the opi, or that's a dead idea? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi! Thank you for the quick response, so if I understand, there's no real advantage of using the higher value, overheating, unstable running, etc.
  5. Hi! I have an OPiPlus2, the official product page says that the soc runs on 1.6ghz, but the cpufreq-info says it's hardware limited to 1.3ghz, so what now? Thanks in advance and sorry if I miss something!
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