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  1. @Koen Don´t know if this is the right direction for you but i had a similar problem trying to get docker running. I had to switch back to iptables-legacy like it is descriped here. Also NetworkManager don´t get DNS via DHCP so i had to remove the line "dns = default" in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to get name resolution to work.
  2. @aprayoga Thank you very much! It is working now after I followed your advice in combination with these instructions from David to solve this Error:
  3. I tried to move the complete system from the SD-card to an SSD, so i followed the tutorial as described here. I'm not sure how to do the following steps: I can't move the target SATA-device because spi_workaround is enabled. What can I do to get rid of the SD-card and booting from SPI / SATA-device? Should I move the /boot partition from the SD-card to sdb1? Is it necessary to modify /etc/fstab ? (I alread tried moving the rootFS with sata-nand-install while spi_workaround is disabled. The system was booting and mounted from sdb1, but I can't get it to boot without the SD-card)
  4. You should try to be more polite.
  5. Thank you very much! Yes, changing to the 30cm ribbon cable did the trick. Wired it same as before and checked the 20cm cable with an ohmmeter, i can´t find any broken wire and tried it again with no success. This is no problem as i have other spare ribbon cables to change. Don´t know what else could be wrong... It is working now so i´m happy
  6. I installed a fresh Debian Buster and followed the guide at https://wiki.kobol.io/i2c/ to add the OLED-Display shipped with batch 3. Can´t get it to work: I´ve double checked wiring and got 3,3V at the OLED-PCB. Also tried a second OLED without success. Any suggestions what to check next?
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