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  1. I've just bought OPI 5 Plus from aliexpress, will arrive mid June, I will post my experience ...
  2. btw, where I can find that image, thanks in advance
  3. right, I had the same issue, the bootloader didn't work with ext4, I will test the "lunar legacy" SPI image and burn it directly with dd
  4. Couldn't booti from NVME with armbian-config or armbian-install, finally I could do it, a dirty easy and convoluted following way. No details about burning stuff This is what I did 1) boot system from fresh downloaded SD (Armbian Jammy Desktop) 2) NVME setup (sudo gparted) - if empty create a partition table (GPT) if not delete all partitions - create 256MB FAT16 partition (nvme0n1p1) - create EXT4 partition (nvme0n1p2) - optionally create more partitions (system recovery, backups ...) - format partitions nvme0n1p1 -> FAT16 - format partitions nvme0n1p2 -> EXT4 - check partitions (if old NVME) - label nvme0n1p1 as armbi_boot - label nvme0n1p2 as armbi_root 3) run sudo armbian-install - option 7 to flash mtdblock0 (bootloader install) - option 4 (to install system and boot from mtdblock0) choose nvme0n1p2 partition to install system don't POWEROFF, just EXIT 4) copy SD boot partition to nvme0n1p1 - sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p1 of=/dev/nvme0n1p1 bs=1M status=progress - sudo sync 5) armbianExt.txt setup on NMVE - sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt - check boot files/directories are already copied (ls -l /mnt) - blkid - copy (CTL_INS -> new UUID) of nvme0n1p2 UUID (without "") with your favourite editor: - sudo vi armbianExt.txt - replace rootdev=UUID=with new UUID (SHIFT-INS) - save (ESC :x) 6) - sudo poweroff - remove SD - press power button to restart Maybe this cam help someone
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