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Posts posted by wollik

  1. Hi Josep,

    sorry for the late reply, I just seen your questeion.
    The hardware chip for UART3  (/dev/ttyS3) is a 16550A and supports a Base-baud of 150000. 
    So the highest possible baud rate you can get out of this chip is 150 000.

    To set it to 150000 Baud you have to:

    1) enable the UART3 via armbian.config,
    2) install the tool setserial
    3) enable for customer speed by:
    setserial -a /dev/ttyS3 spd_cust

    4) set the divisor to 1 by:

    setserial -a /dev/ttyS3 divisor 1

    5) activate the UART by:

    stty -F /dev/ttyS3 38400  <-- will get an error, but this is o.k.


    Here is my output:

    pi@bananapim2zero:~$ setserial -a /dev/ttyS3
    /dev/ttyS3, Line 3, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 46
            Baud_base: 1500000, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0
            closing_wait: 3000
            Flags: spd_normal

    pi@bananapim2zero:~$ setserial -a /dev/ttyS3 spd_cust
    pi@bananapim2zero:~$ setserial -a /dev/ttyS3 divisor 1
    pi@bananapim2zero:~$ setserial -a /dev/ttyS3
    /dev/ttyS3, Line 3, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 46
            Baud_base: 1500000, close_delay: 50, divisor: 1
            closing_wait: 3000
            Flags: spd_cust

    pi@bananapim2zero:~$ stty -F /dev/ttyS3 38400





  2. Hi forum members,
    the apt utility in my bpi m2 zero can't find neither dnsutil nor bind9-dnsutil for bullseye, here the output:

    pi@fewo-relais:~$ sudo apt install bind9-dnsutils
    Paketlisten werden gelesen… Fehler!
    E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
    E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/deb.debian.org_debian_dists_bullseye_main_binary-armhf_Packages
    E: Die Paketliste oder die Statusdatei konnte nicht eingelesen oder geöffnet werden.



    pi@fewo-relais:~$ cat /etc/armbian-release
    BOARD_NAME="Banana Pi M2 Zero"


    Can someone help how to update the repository to have also bind9-dnsutils included ?




  3. Hi forum members,
    I need to run a script only once at boot or reboot.
    Using the @reboot method in the crontab is not working under Armbian.

    For example neither of these lines at the end of the /etc/crontab file is working:

    @reboot date >> /home/pi/boottime.txt
    @reboot /home/pi/control.sh  init >> /home/pi/init.log

    Please has someone a hint how to get it to work under Armbian ?



  4. He forum members,
    I try to install telegraf on my R2 running armbian bullseye:

    BOARD_NAME="Banana Pi R2"


    I can install influxdb via apt install influxdb without problems, but can't install telegraf that is part of influxdb

    (E: Unable to locate package telegraf)


    So I updated the sourcelist via:
    echo "deb https://repos.influxdata.com/debian dists bullseye stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list


    Now when I run apt update I got this error:
    E: The repository 'https://repos.influxdata.com/debian dists Release' does not have a Release file.

    Can someone help on this ???


    When try to install it manualy like in the influxdata description (https://portal.influxdata.com/downloads/) for telegraf,

    I download and extracted the latest version for telegraf via:

    wget https://dl.influxdata.com/telegraf/releases/telegraf-1.21.3_linux_armhf.tar.gz
    sudo tar xf telegraf-1.21.3_linux_armhf.tar.gz


    I got the files, but now need to know how to activate the telegraf service, there is no install file like on other packages.

    Please can you help whow to proceed ?




  5. Hi forum members,
    since I'm playing with the use of onewire sensos, I came up with the question to use more than one GPIO-pin for the onewire protocol.


    Is it possible to configure multiple GPIO-pins that the output of: cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio shows more than one onewire gpio pin ?

    If YES, how can I find the connected sensors under the /sys/bus/ structure?


    Tanks in advance





  6. Armbianmonitor:

    Hi forum members,
    I enabled the 1w protocol via armbian.config and found, that the default GPIO pin assignment is set to 110 (what is PD14)

    root@bananapim2zero:/sys/bus/w1/devices# cat  /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
    gpiochip0: GPIOs 0-223, parent: platform/1c20800.pinctrl, 1c20800.pinctrl:
     gpio-110 (                    |onewire@0           ) out lo

    - - -

    dmesg | grep -E 'w1|wire' | grep -E 'Driver|gpio-'
    [    5.659452] Driver for 1-wire Dallas network protocol.
    [    6.408704] gpio-110 (onewire@0): enforced open drain please flag it properly in DT/ACPI DSDT/board file


    Please can someone tell me what phyical pin is this gpio-110 on my BPI m2 zero ?

    I reconfigured my board via /boot/ambianEnv.txt to use the PA6 pin what is the physical pin 7.

    Everything worked fine and I can read out the temperature from the onewire sensor DS18S connected on the physical pin 7.


    I'm ask for help on this topic because I want to use the PD14 GPIO pin since I can configure the internal pullup resistor instead using an external pullup resistor,


    Thanks in advance

  7. Hi ALL,
    I got it compiled in the docker environment without problems.
    In Debian Buster some needed tools like: debootstrap, gaparted, losetup and maybe others are installed in /sbin, that is not in my PATH when I'm su.
    So I just added also the /sbin directory to my PATH before calling the ./compile.sh script and it also compiles without problems.

    The compile problems are now fixed, the questeion for this debootstrap problem is answered an this topic can marked as solved.


    I'll give the newly created image a try later on.


    Many thanks to all fo you

  8. Hi NicoD hi Igor,
    I'mu building on on a native environment. Latest Buster running on a X86 (64 Bit) PC with 16 GB of memory.

    wolli@localhost:/proc$ neofetch
           _,met$$$$$gg.          wolli@localhost
        ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.       ---------------
      ,g$$P"     """Y$$.".        OS: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) x86_64
     ,$$P'              `$$$.     Host: 5864B24 ThinkCentre M90p
    ',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b:   Kernel: 4.19.0-17-amd64
    `d$$'     ,$P"'   .    $$$    Uptime: 4 mins
     $$P      d$'     ,    $$P    Packages: 1853 (dpkg)
     $$:      $$.   -    ,d$$'    Shell: bash 5.0.3
     $$;      Y$b._   _,d$P'      Terminal: /dev/pts/0
     Y$$.    `.`"Y$$$$P"'         CPU: Intel i7 870 (8) @ 2.927GHz
     `$$b      "-.__              GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 310
      `Y$$                        Memory: 502MiB / 15976MiB

    I'm cloned the armbian-build 4 days ago so it should be one of the latest built versions.
    cat for the file VERSION in my build dir gives:  21.08.0-trunk  is that good ?

    The headline of the semigraphic when execututing the ./compile.sh script shows:
    Armbian building script, https;//www.armbian.com | Autor: Igor Pecovnik


    I'll try it today again and will check the output logs.


    Thanks Wolfgang

  9. Hi members and developers,
    I've tried to compile buster with using the latest armbian build environment for an Banana R1 SCB but it failed whith this errors:


    [ o.k. ] Installing base system [ Stage 1/2 ]
    /home/wolli/build/lib/debootstrap.sh: line 185: debootstrap: command not found
    [ error ] ERROR in function create_rootfs_cache [ debootstrap.sh:190 ]
    [ error ] Debootstrap base system for current lamobo-r1 buster   yes first stage failed

    [ o.k. ] Process terminated


    I know that this SBC is EOS thats why I need to compile it by my self.


    Even when I try to compile a supported SBC  linke the Bananapi I got this same debootstrab problems:

    [ o.k. ] Installing base system [ Stage 1/2 ]
    /home/wolli/build/lib/debootstrap.sh: line 185: debootstrap: command not found
    [ error ] ERROR in function create_rootfs_cache [ debootstrap.sh:190 ]
    [ error ] Debootstrap base system for current bananapi buster   yes first stage failed

    [ o.k. ] Process terminated


    Please can somone help me how I can come around this problem and explain what the debiitstrap is trying to do ?


    Here are the lines 184 to 191 from my debootstrap.sh in .../buld/lib

    184                 eval 'debootstrap --variant=minbase --include=${DEBOOTSTRAP_LIST// /,} ${PACKAGE_LIST_EXCLUDE:+ --exclude=${PACKAG_LIST_EXCLUDE///,}} \
    185                         --arch=$ARCH --components=${DEBOOTSTRAP_COMPONENTS} $DEBOOTSTRAP_OPTION --foreign $RELEASE $SDCARD/ $apt_mirror' \
    186                          ${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debootstrap.log'} \ ${PROGRESS_LOG_TO_FILE:+' | tee -a $DEST/debug/debo$  
    187                         ${OUTPUT_DIALOG:+' | dialog --backtitle "$backtitle" 188 --progressbox "Debootstrap (stage 1/2)..." $TTY_Y $TTY_X'} \

    188                         ${OUTPUT_VERYSILENT:+' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null'}
    190                 [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 || ! -f $SDCARD/debootstrap/deboo$





  10. Hi All,
    this was caused by a hardware problem during the detection of the second USB-device.
    The system tried to create the node, but becaus of the hw failure it created a regular file. If someone tried to delete this file, the system recreated this wrong regular file again, what can be seen on the new I-Nodenumber. This situation persists even after a reboot without the failing USB-Stick!

    Here is my solution how I fixed this:
    I rebooted without any USB-device, and then reconnected each USB-2-Serial stick again each after the other.


  11. Armbianmonitor:

    Hi Linux Admins,
    I have a wrong device in the /dev direcrory and can't delete it.


    Here is what I get when I do a: ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*

    pi@armbian_test: ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*
    crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Feb 15 20:47 /dev/ttyUSB0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root         1 Feb 15 20:48 /dev/ttyUSB1


    You see that the device ttyUSB1 is not character device and has no major device number assigned.

    Also the device belongs not to the dialout group.


    The causing USB_2_Serial Stick is disconnected and the device entry is still there.


    Trying to remove this devis is also not working.

    pi@armbian_test: sudo rm /dev/ttyUSB1
    pi@armbian_test: ls -la /dev/ttyUSB*
    crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Feb 15 20:47 /dev/ttyUSB0
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root         1 Feb 15 20:48 /dev/ttyUSB1


    Pleas can somone help me to fix this wrong device ?







  12. Hi Brosinski,
    this image is still Armbian 5.31 sunix 4.9.7 and so you can’t use it with the newer armbian-config (Version 5.90)

    II‘m currently using the image found on the bananian forum 2020-04-21-armbian-buster-lite.k419img.zip

    That is still 5.31 but sunix 4.19.62) You need to modify the armbian-config environment to get the additional functions to run. On one of my r1 boards the WiFi worked directky, on an other I'still troubleshoot the WiFi connections.

    I have had a Armbian 5.9x running, but my SDCARD breaks, so I will try to build my own image with  the latest armbian version vor the A20 SOC and hope I get the other R1 specific stuf included.



  13. Hi Werner,
    I just want inform you that is just booting half way up , it gets an IP via DHCP and tries this over and over again, but the IP is o.k. and you can ping it. I understand that there will be no support.
    My plan is to understand the bootprocess to trouble shoot my broken sd card, the fsck looks good on my card, but it don't boots, no prompt at all on the monitor. Do you know if there are any messages or bootinformations avalable via what tty?



  14. Hi Werner,
    I've had Armbian Buster running on this SBC but my SD-Card crashed, "no valid Superblock"

    I might have had running the Armbian_2020-05-2... that is also for the M1 with the Allwinner A20, but I don't remember
    what I have used in the past.
    I've already checked the internet, thanks for this hint but I thought that I can get a link via this forum members since I and hopevully also others are still using Armbian 20-xx on R1.

    Does anyone else knows which Armbian Buster Image runs on Lamobo R1 and where I can download it?


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