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  1. I looked at the logs, but it's all gibberish to me. I removed each of the 7 functions in the script 1 at a time and found that InstallRPiMonitor is the offending function. I compiled the image and booted without it. InstallRPiMonitor() { apt-get --yes install rpimonitor apt-get --yes install shellinabox /etc/init.d/rpimonitor install_auto_package_status_update # On other SoCs than H3 make minor adjustments to config to reflect Armbian reality: sed -e "s/^web.status.1.name=.*/web.status.1.name=$BOARD/" \ -e "s/^web.statistics.1.name=.*/web.statistics.1.name=$BOARD/" \ </etc/rpimonitor/template/raspbian.conf >/etc/rpimonitor/template/armbian.conf cd /etc/rpimonitor/ ln -sf /etc/rpimonitor/template/armbian.conf data.conf # fix temperature everywhere sed -i -e 's|^dynamic.12.source=.*|dynamic.12.source=/etc/armbianmonitor/datasources/soctemp|' \ -e 's|^dynamic.12.postprocess=.*|dynamic.12.postprocess=sprintf("%.1f", $1/1000)|' \ /etc/rpimonitor/template/temperature.conf # monitor big cores on big.LITTLE if [ $(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo) -ge 4 ]; then sed -i 's|/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/|/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/|g' \ /etc/rpimonitor/template/cpu.conf fi # display processor architecture instead of undefined sed -i -e "s_^static.4.source=.*_static.4.source=lscpu | awk -F' ' '/^Architecture/ {print \$2}'_" \ -e "s/^static.4.regexp=.*/static.4.regexp=/" /etc/rpimonitor/template/version.conf cat >> /etc/rpimonitor/data.conf <<- ADDLINES web.addons.2.name=Shellinabox web.addons.2.addons=shellinabox web.addons.3.name=Top3 web.addons.3.addons=top3 include=/etc/rpimonitor/template/storage.conf include=/etc/rpimonitor/template/services.conf include=/etc/rpimonitor/template/wlan.conf include=/etc/rpimonitor/template/entropy.conf ADDLINES } # InstallRPiMonitor
  2. Please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong category. My immediate task isn't related to P2P, but my end goal of setting up a personal server is. I am attempting to compile a custom image with https://github.com/botter-nidnul/userpatches. You can read more about the project here https://urbit.org/grants/urbian-a-customized-linux-distribution-for-urbit-appliances. I can compile a focal image without customization, but when I attempt to customize the image, I get `umount: /home/nebulay/repo/project/armbian/build/.tmp/rootfs-d412f0e4-e33c-4c0c-909b-9042f7924589: target is busy` This repeats until I hit ctrl+c. I get an image, but it fails to boot. I have googled it, and this is the only somewhat useful thing I've found https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/1472 which doesn't help me much. Does anyone have any ideas on how compile the image or what could be causing the problem?
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