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Sir Lazarus

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  1. There is an example for an implementation of a fan controller for NVMe SSD Adapter/HAT. You can find it here Link to post
  2. Sir Lazarus

    NanoPI M4

    It seems, that there is no driver for fan in armbian. So I wrote a little program in C to control fan on the hat. This nice program adjust the fan speed on cpu temperature accordingly. It starts the fan as 60 °C with 30% power. At 70 °C up to 60% and at 80 °C to 90%. You can adjust it within the code easily. Compile it with "gcc fancontrol.c -o fancontrol". I configured the program as service. If you want it too, do the following steps: Create a file fancontrol.service with the following content: [Unit] Description=Fan control [Service] Type=simple User=root Group=root WorkingDirectory=/usr/bin ExecStart=/usr/bin/fancontrol [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target do the following steps sudo cp fancontrol /usr/bin sudo cp fancontrol.service /etc/systemd/system sudo systemctl enable fancontrol sudo systemctl start fancontrol and that's it. It works perfekt for me. Have fun.
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