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  1. # PROBLEM: Recent bananapi m1 images (and other A20 boards?) have no kernel headers, and armbian-config is not working so no hardware support. # SOLUTION: Armbian_23.02.2_Bananapi_jammy_current_5.15.93.img.xz Take this image and install the headers manually - or update to recent ones from here (not all work). NOTE: Armbian_23.02.2_Bananapi_jammy_current_5.15.93_minimal.img.xz While is the same build, cannot unfreeze kernel changes in armbian-config gui Flash SD and drop the 3 kernel packages in /root/ After first boot run $ apt upgrade && apt upgrade --fix-missing Unfreeze kernel with $ armbian-config -> system -> unfreeze (should accept) Install kernel packages: $ dpkg -i <package-dtb.deb> <package-image.deb> <package-header.deb> reboot & freeze kernel again compare build scripts current vs minimal - and merge upstream? I am noob Please show the way. Files pack: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0bdengzqkn5x798ddxvp7/h?rlkey=i6kilnhhr6xzxgkmipfqy19pr&dl=0 credits: Note to self: I should learn how to compile and build images.
  2. Bananapi m1 seems to have similar issues. Thanks for the fix.
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