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  1. God bless YOU!!! According to this portion of a code [arch/arm64/kernel/cpuinfo.c: 384] (and other one): if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ARM64_SVE) && id_aa64pfr0_sve(info->reg_id_aa64pfr0)) info->reg_zcr = read_zcr_features(); Of course, I double-check this [if] statement and {IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ARM64_SVE)} part gives [1] but other one not (this is obvious to us because the already present in our defconfig) ;( And if WE all try to read this feature register [res_from_aa64pfr0_el1 (64-bit width)] WE will get (if I am right) some unpleasantness results ;( : register uint64_t res_from_aa64pfr0_el1; __asm__ __volatile__("mrs %[res_from_aa64pfr0_el1], id_aa64pfr0_el1 \n\t" ::[res_from_aa64pfr0_el1]"r"(res_from_aa64pfr0_el1) :"memory", "cc"); printf("ID_AA64PFR0_EL1[0] 0x%" PRIX64 "\n", res_from_aa64pfr0_el1); printf("ID_AA64PFR0_EL1[1] 0x%" PRIX64 "\n", res_from_aa64pfr0_el1 >> 32); printf("ID_AA64PFR0_EL1.SVE 0x%" PRIX64 "\n", (res_from_aa64pfr0_el1 >> 32) & 0xF); Our [CPU] doesn't have [SVE]. Please somebody proves me wrong!
  2. Can somebody write the output of the commands for 5.4 kernel. It would be very helpful for me (I try to figure out is there SVE or not in this CPU) uname -a cat /proc/cpuinfo lshw Thx you all in advance.
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