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  1. I've made a few tests based on armbian and the ubuntu images provided by orange pi. First thing the SPI image: The link points to a 4MB image when the file used to be a 16MB one (file changed on June 1) The new version doesn't seem to work (nothing displayed on serial console when booting without an SD card). The older 16MB seems to work : https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/orangepi-build/raw/cdfc212a812ead294d7b98b4cedb15b1ee60bec2/external/packages/bsp/rk3588/usr/share/orangepi5/rkspi_loader_sata.img this img file can also be found inside the orange pi image as explained in the orange pi section Secondly the armbian image: It seems several changes have been made between 23.02 and 23.05 (at least the overlay names). With 23.02 images the procedure explained here does seem to work with a sata ssd. With 23.05 images the sata ssd does not seem to appear (when booting on SD card) so the procedure can't be completed. Also the sbc hangs at reboot/poweroff (kernel panic) For now I'm gonna use 23.02 until we get more feedback with 23.05
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