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  1. Thanks for that clarification. It is indeed an empty directory. Do you have any suggestions as to how to fix that?
  2. I have an application that depends on the Linux HID USB gadget via configfs on the USB OTG port. It works under Raspberry Pi OS (2020-05-27-buster-lite), but I'm having trouble getting it to work under Armbian (Armbian_20.05.2_Odroidc2_buster_current_5.6.15). Specifically, I'm having trouble getting the configfs module to run. What I've done so far: Removed the J1 jumper as described on the ODROID wiki. Recompiled /boot/dtbs/amlogic/meson-gxbb-odroidc2.dtb to set dr_mode = "peripheral"; as described in this ODROID magazine article. When I run this script with sudo: #!/usr/bin/env bash modprobe libcomposite cd /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget/ mkdir -p g1 cd g1 echo 0x1d6b > idVendor # Linux Foundation echo 0x0104 > idProduct # Multifunction Composite Gadget echo 0x0100 > bcdDevice # v1.0.0 echo 0x0200 > bcdUSB # USB2 STRINGS_DIR="strings/0x409" mkdir -p "$STRINGS_DIR" echo "6b65796d696d6570690" > "${STRINGS_DIR}/serialnumber" echo "Linux Foundation" > "${STRINGS_DIR}/manufacturer" echo "Generic USB Keyboard" > "${STRINGS_DIR}/product" FUNCTIONS_DIR="functions/hid.usb0" mkdir -p "$FUNCTIONS_DIR" echo 1 > "${FUNCTIONS_DIR}/protocol" # Keyboard echo 1 > "${FUNCTIONS_DIR}/subclass" # Boot interface subclass echo 8 > "${FUNCTIONS_DIR}/report_length" # Write the report descriptor # Source: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/usb/gadget_hid.html echo -ne \\x05\\x01\\x09\\x06\\xa1\\x01\\x05\\x07\\x19\\xe0\\x29\\xe7\\x15\\x00\\x25\\x01\\x75\\x01\\x95\\x08\\x81\\x02\\x95\\x01\\x75\\x08\\x81\\x03\\x95\\x05\\x75\\x01\\x05\\x08\\x19\\x01\\x29\\x05\\x91\\x02\\x95\\x01\\x75\\x03\\x91\\x03\\x95\\x06\\x75\\x08\\x15\\x00\\x25\\x65\\x05\\x07\\x19\\x00\\x29\\x65\\x81\\x00\\xc0 > "${FUNCTIONS_DIR}/report_desc" CONFIG_INDEX=1 CONFIGS_DIR="configs/c.${CONFIG_INDEX}" mkdir -p "$CONFIGS_DIR" echo 250 > "${CONFIGS_DIR}/MaxPower" CONFIGS_STRINGS_DIR="${CONFIGS_DIR}/strings/0x409" mkdir -p "$CONFIGS_STRINGS_DIR" echo "Config ${CONFIG_INDEX}: ECM network" > "${CONFIGS_STRINGS_DIR}/configuration" ln -s "$FUNCTIONS_DIR" "${CONFIGS_DIR}/" ls /sys/class/udc > UDC chmod 777 /dev/hidg0 It fails with on the last line with: chmod: cannot access '/dev/hidg0': No such file or directory And /sys/class/udc is not a symlink, as it's expected to be: $ ls /sys/class/udc -l total 0 Also, when I run dmesg | grep configfs, I get nothing, whereas on RasPiOS I see a message about dwc2 loading the configfs-gadget. It there anything else I can do to enable the USB HID gadget on Armbian?
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