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Pedro Teixeira

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  1. Hi all, This used to work absolutely fine for me a couple of years ago but for some reason it isn't working at all now. I had to format the eMMC and re-flash it. Using either Bookworm or Jammy, when I try to run the script for boot from eMMC / system on NVME after the reboot it won't boot again. I've tried on both, tried before / after apt-update etc. Just doesn't seem to want to work when it used to in the past. This is what I'm seeing, apologies for phone photos, as I was in my living room, no way to take a screenshot. Any ideas? Thank you!
  2. Just noticed this now on checking xrdp status. Also, the text after RDP in Armbian-Config screenshot on OP never changes to "Disable remote desktop...." so something might be amiss here?
  3. Hi all, Simple question, I can SSH without an issue to my odroid n2 running armbian 23.8.1 but RDP isn't working. Cinnamon flavor installed. I enabled RDP in armbian-config and even after a reboot no dice. Any ideas? Thanks!
  4. Hi all, Using Armbian Focal for a couple of years now and booting from an SSD plugged to USB (used the armbian installer to move to it) and it always worked perfectly but after an apt-update (stupid of me I know) I'm now stuck on a boot loop, it looks like the entire system is fubar'd. I don't mind formatting and reinstalling everything, the problem is that I lost the eMMC to USB converter I had and can't find any in the UK... Attached an image of what I'm seeing. Anything I can do to either salvage or do a fresh new install without the eMMC converter? Can be removed. Did a full format.
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